You're in both luck, as I have tackled this problem before, and quite out of 
luck, as there is no clear-cut answer, really.

XML-RPC: the spec mandates POST as http verb and "text/xml" as content-type 
(but you can assume to receive some charset encoding too, so "text/xml; 
charset=foo" can be considered valid). It mandates a content-lenght too, but 
omitting to control it in php is usually safe, as long as the underlying 
webserver does its job (the spec also mentions Host and User-agent http 
headers, too, btw).

version 1.2 (, says that both GET and 
POST are ok.
With post 'the HTTP Content-type header must be chosen as 
"application/soap+xml"', while GET should have an 'Accept: 
application/soap+xml' header. take care that the spec is lengthy and complex, 
so I might have gotten something wrong here

version 1.1 ( is different: it 
uses text/xml as content type, has a 'soapaction' mandatory http header and is 
valid only within POST

JSON: unfortunately, there is no consensus on this. Afaicr, the formal json 
specification has been proposed to w3c/iso/iana/ecma/??? only very recently, 
and toolkit implementors had varying ideas about the content-type http header 
that best fit

If you're coding a multi-platform server, you could also provide self-generated 
html documentation about existing services when receiving a plain GET request 
or do something different when receiving a POST sent from an html form 
(content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded) 


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Marcus
> Lunzenauer
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 2:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: [phpxmlrpc] Detecting XML-RPC request
> Hi,
> I need some help with incoming HTTP requests. What is needed 
> to identify
> this request as a XML-RPC request? I want to be able to tell SOAP,
> XML-RPC and JSON requests apart to auto-dispatch them.
> Bye, Marcus
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