On 09 Aug 2001 07:54:48 -0400, Tom Henry wrote:
> Hello
> My port 80 is now blocked (by ATT Roadrunner due to their Code Red 
> problems).
> I've gotten my Apache server (on Linux) to Listen on port 8080
> But... after modifying scripts to... use 8080 I am now getting
> "Call to a member function on a non-object ..."
> error on the line that calls the return value
> i.e
> $v= $r->value();
> My question:
> Is anyone actually using non-port80 xmlrpc calls
>   -- or maybe the "port" setting stuff hasn't been actually excercised ;-)

We've never had this bug reported before.  You *did* change your client
software to look for port 80, didn't you?

ie. you have $client=new xmlrpc_client("/whatever", "foo.com", 8080);

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