Business Portuguese for Gringos

I'm not absolutely certain this will be possible.
Nem fodendo.

Great! Awesome! Terrific!!
Puta que o pariu! Puta que o pariu!

Of course I'm not concerned by this turn of events
Tô cagando e andando pra isso.

Unfortunately, I wasn't involved in this project.
Mas que porra eu tenho a ver com esta merda??

Well, well, well!

It's going to be tough to work out these last few glitches.
Foda-se. Não vai dar nem a pau.

We really need to work on our internal communication.
Puta merda! Viado nenhum me fala nada.

Maybe I can work late to get this done?
E na bundinha, não vai nada???

He isn't completely up to speed on this.
O cara é um bosta.

Vá à puta que o pariu.

Sorry, sir.
Vá à puta que o pariu, seu viado.

They weren't completely happy with the way this whole thing turned out.
Bando de filhos da puta.

I'm not sure I'm going to be much help to you on this.
Foda-se! Se vira !

I truly welcome challenge.
Puta trabalhinho de corno.

Please redo this.
Enfia esta porra no cu.

We really need to develop better training programs.
Ah se eu pego o filho da puta que fez isso.

Our key productivity measures are biased to the downside.
Esta merda tá indo pro buraco.

This project is going to under deliver versus our expectations.
Agora fodeu de vez.

I'm sorry, I probably should have warned you.
Eu sabia que ia dar merda.

The trading environment has deteriorated somewhat.
Ô cacete! Vai sair cagada de novo.

Before switching on the new equipment, proper training must be given.
Vou dar porrada em quem meter a mão nesta merda.

We really need to drive productivity.
Ô cambada de vagabundos.

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