Revision: 1145
Date:     Sat Apr 16 16:29:43 2011
Log:      Edited wiki page ReleaseChecklist through web user interface.


--- /wiki/ Sat Apr 16 15:28:58 2011
+++ /wiki/ Sat Apr 16 16:29:43 2011
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
$ svn cp -m "creating 1.3.1 release branch"
   * Create bundle(s) for upload to maven central repository
+ * First, if you don't already have one, you'll need a PGP code signing key available from the MIT keyserver, see: [ OpenPGPConfiguration]. You'll also need to sign up for an account with [ Sonatype]. * The [ Sonatype OSS Guide] describes the full process of syncing open-source artifacts to the Maven central repository. * See the section on [ staging existing artifacts]. This is the easiest way to control the process; we've been wary to trust {{{mvn release}}} to perform the pom modifications and svn operations. * If building and staging the artifacts by hand, for each module use
@@ -134,6 +135,7 @@
 $ jar -cvf bundle.jar *.pom *.jar *.asc
* Then manually stage/upload the bundle.jar through Nexus Sonatype UI. + * More about signing artifacts with Maven GPG can be found [ here].

* Update version in parent pom.xml file on svn trunk to ${next-version}-SNAPSHOT
@@ -149,6 +151,8 @@
 ===Update the website, wiki, and announce the release===


 = References =

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