I'm still getting exactly the same problem, it just stalls without returning
anything, ie "Response: Loading..." in Firebug.

As far as I know this should simply work in the same way a POSTed form does,
I know you use Ajax in the JS form logic so there is nothing in the Pico
server that is stopping this.

There can be only two answers, either I'm doing something wrong but I don't
know what that could be since this is a very simple test.

When I did an earlier test from localhost/ to localhost/8080 jQuery
complained and shut down. That problem is now gone both in the earlier tries
with 8080 to 8080 and of course now too with localhost to localhost. The
jQuery lib is not reporting anything, rather the opposite so I'm pretty
certain it's at the Pico end this time.

Somehow Pico isn't happy with what it's being sent, that is my take on this,
here is the POST info copy pasted from Firebug:

HostlocalhostUser-AgentMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008092510 Ubuntu/8.04 (hardy) Firefox/3.0.3Accept
Test test


This time I'm using this in the ajaxTest function:
..(ht:Prin (pack "Result: " (get 'Test 'http)))))

So even if the Test key and value somehow didn't work I should still get
"Result:" back.

Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline

<div dir="ltr"><font size="2"><br>I&#39;m still getting exactly the same 
problem, it just stalls without returning anything, ie &quot;Response: 
Loading...&quot; in Firebug.<br><br>As far as I know this should simply work in 
the same way a POSTed form does, I know you use Ajax in the JS form logic so 
there is nothing in the Pico server that is stopping this.<br>
<br>There can be only two answers, either I&#39;m doing something wrong but I 
don&#39;t know what that could be since this is a very simple test.<br><br>When 
I did an earlier test from localhost/ to localhost/8080 jQuery complained and 
shut down. That problem is now gone both in the earlier tries with 8080 to 8080 
and of course now too with localhost to localhost. The jQuery lib is not 
reporting anything, rather the opposite so I&#39;m pretty certain it&#39;s at 
the Pico end this time.<br>
<br>Somehow Pico isn&#39;t happy with what it&#39;s being sent, that is my take 
on this, here is the POST info copy pasted from 

<table selected class="netInfoHeadersText netInfoText netInfoHeadersTable" 
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody class=""><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Host</font></td><td 
<font size="2">localhost</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">User-Agent</font></td><td 
class="netInfoParamValue"><font size="2">Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; 
en-US; rv:<a href="";></a>) Gecko/2008092510 Ubuntu/8.04 
(hardy) Firefox/3.0.3</font></td>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="netInfoParamName"><font 
size="2">Accept</font></td><td class="netInfoParamValue"><font 
 class=""><td class="netInfoParamName">
<font size="2">Accept-Language</font></td><td class="netInfoParamValue"><font 
size="2">en-us,en;q=0.5</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Accept-Encoding</font></td><td 
<font size="2">gzip,deflate</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Accept-Charset</font></td><td 
size="2">ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7</font></td></tr><tr class="">
<td class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Keep-Alive</font></td><td 
class="netInfoParamValue"><font size="2">300</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Connection</font></td><td 
<font size="2">keep-alive</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Content-Type</font></td><td 
class="netInfoParamValue"><font size="2">application/x-www-form-urlencoded; 
</tr><tr class=""><td class="netInfoParamName"><font 
size="2">X-Requested-With</font></td><td class="netInfoParamValue"><font 
size="2">XMLHttpRequest</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Referer</font></td>
<td class="netInfoParamValue"><font size="2"><a 
href="http://localhost/";>http://localhost/</a></font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Content-Length</font></td><td 
<font size="2">9</font></td></tr><tr class=""><td 
class="netInfoParamName"><font size="2">Cookie</font></td><td 
Test test<br><br>Response: <br>Loading...<br><br>This time I&#39;m using this 
in the ajaxTest function:<br>...(ht:Prin (pack &quot;Result: &quot; (get 
&#39;Test &#39;http)))))<br><br>So even if the Test key and value somehow 
didn&#39;t work I should still get &quot;Result:&quot; back.<br>


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