Hi Jon,

> > This is not a new "bug". I'm using "(if (> N 2)" since 30 years for such
> > simple benchmark purposes, so I didn't care to change. I don't remember
> > if I made this up by myself, of if I found it somewhere.
> I suggest you add a comment in misc/fibo.l that explains this, in case

You are right. The more I think about it, the more I see that it is
quite confusing. And, as I wrote in my previous mail, it is against the
PicoLisp convention of starting indexes with '1'.

So I now changed "misc/fibo.l" to use ">=" instead of ">". As far as the
benchmarks are concerned, it doesn't really matter, as they are always

> Then I suggest a few words in the docs that says "only in debug mode".
> (This may be the case for other functions in the docs also?)

Good idea, thanks! I'll do that.

- Alex
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