Lawrence Bottorff <>

> I've got a REPL started in Emacs (called from ELPA version of picolisp
> major mode with run-picolisp), but I'm noticing it doesn't have such
> features as more, edit, what, etc. Starting picolisp from the command
> line with pil is however "full-featured". What am I missing here?

IIRC even when all libraries are loaded, there remain a few things that
don't work (correctly), e.g.  (doc 'pp)

1. Emacs REPL (prints unreadable results):

| : (doc 'pp)
| (doc 'pp)
| 'sym) -> sym (pp 'sym 'cls) -> sym (pp '(sym . cls)) ->
| ↑ ↓ Viewing <P>libgpm: zero screen dimension, assuming 80x25.

2. pil REPL (opens W3M on the console):

| (pp 'sym) -> sym
| (pp 'sym 'cls) -> sym
| (pp '(sym . cls)) -> sym
|     Pretty-prints the function or method definition of sym. The
|     output format would regenerate that same definition when read
|     and executed. See also pretty, debug and vi.
|     : (pp 'tab)
|     (de tab (Lst . @)
|        (for N Lst
|           (let V (next)
|              (and (gt0 N) (space (- N (length V))))
|              (prin V)
|              (and
|                 (lt0 N)
|                 (space (- 0 N (length V))) ) ) )
|        (prinl) )
|     -> tab

But I guess one could configure Emacs to show the 'doc' results in
emacs-w3m or eww instead of the *picolisp* buffer itself.



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