nice speech, +1

On 21.02.20 10:29, wrote:
My thoughts, sorry I'm unable to keep it short:

I think the main repo should be self-hosted, how Alex is doing it now.
PicoLisp was once hosted primarily by Google Code, it shut down, no
reason why this should not happen to others. Dependency equals risks,
and as we preach "control to the programmer" we should follow this
through on our "community infrastructure" too. I'm happy to pay/sponsor.

I'm all for automatic mirroring of the self-hosted "master repository"
to public repository services.
Especially GitHub is quasi the monopoly hub for FOSS, without it the
visibility of PicoLisp is very limited.
Personally, I would prefer the main development not to happen there,
even if it makes us look less a "serious project" compared to the
mainstream FOSS stuff which often is completely and in all details
visible on GitHub.
We should not be interested in people who flock to us because of how we

I'm thankful to the people who invested into this topic and created the
existing mirrors.

Why not mirror to as many repositories as PicoLisp community members want?
Nothing speaks against this, as long as the workflow for contribution
and the "master version" of PicoLisp is clear and transparent - this
must be described clearly on every mirror repository.
It is very important to keep this clear and straight, multiple branches
of the community having their own forks of PicoLisp would be a
disadvantage for all.

The current way is to send and discuss contributions with Alex, ideally
on IRC or mailing list.
I don't think this should change - having many contributors working on
one thing is not a benefit, many contributors are only a benefit if they
work on diverse things, e.g. in the forms of "plugins" (libraries).
Otherwise it becomes very hard to coordinate and manage, or development
degenerates into "design by committee" which is the road to bloat and
inconsistency. Nearly all good IT systems were designed by 1-2 persons max.

The only question is how repository costs (financial) should be covered.
Paying with money might often be a better way instead of paying with
data and other immaterial catches.
When the question about a certain repository arises, when it is really a
worthwhile thing then it should be easy to convince some community
members willing to sponsor, otherwise it is obviously seems not to be so

- beneroth

On 21.02.20 09:37, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
Sorry I started this digression, so the reply is just for informative purpose 
and commentary and not intended as a will to pursue this particular discussion 
:) I'm fine with GitHub or whatever.

On Feb 21, 2020, at 16:49, Mike <> wrote:

Someday all this must move to
@Mansur will take care.
Why not use ?
It fully supports W3C accessibility guidelines.
o) Because is free
Not in the meaning of free software.

o) Better have one point of entry
o) No one will pay for account
If keeping $20/y is more important than supporting free software, then I don't 
see the point spending time (=money) on picolisp, or on free software in 

I'm paying $100/y to because their aim is to create a totally free 
service that supports free software. I've spent more on other pieces of free 
software that I use for work and I'll gladly do it again for picolisp if that 
contributes to having it run on mac one day.

(in general its not free)
"Notice: is currently in alpha, and the quality of the service may reflect 
that. As such, payment is currently optional, and only encouraged for users who want to 
support the ongoing development of the site. For a summary of the guarantees and 
limitations that the alpha entails, see this reference. You may click here to continue 
without payment."



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