On January 13, 2012 at 5:49 PM Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de> wrote:

> As I see it, the problem of acceptance lies on a deeper level:
>    - Non-Lisp programmers don't like PicoLisp, _because_ it is Lisp.
>      "Too many parentheses", and similar nonsense. Too different for
>      them.
>    - Lisp programmers, on the other hand, don't like it either, because
>      it questions everything they were taught (and what they believe)
>      during the last 50 years: Compilers, macros, lexical bindings. Too
>      different for them.
I agree with those two sentiments - those are the deeper reasons.
But there is room in the cracks between these two, for instance:
 - some kind of rapid web development thing very easy to set up, but
still easy to extend. It should be so simple non-programmers should be
able to get started and, more importantly, could start customizing. Those
new users would not even know Lisp was hard, and would like the bumblebee,
fly anyway.  In fact, Bumblebee is a great name for a web framework. :-)
Ideally, it would be possible to install as a CGI on those kinds of cheap
web hotels which only support PHP and CGI and come with a wizard for
setting it up and so on. Since there is no difference between code and
data, the developer could work within the browser and would not even
need further FTP access. The logo could be a cute bumblebee
( http://bit.ly/zKzZx6 ) with parens for wings.
This is just one idea, there are more if you go #picolisp. :-)
// Jakob
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