Hi list,

I would like to announce that I (with help and substancial
input from Eric Schulte, the org-babel author) added picolisp to the
multilanguage-programming environment org-babel
((http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.html), that is part of
the great emacs library orgmode (http://orgmode.org/).

You can download ob-picolisp.el here:

Org-babel enables a kind of 'localitiy principle on steroids', since one
can write code-blocks of dozens of languages in one single file.
Funcional programming with code blocks is possible, e.g. using return
values from a clojure code-block as input value of a picolisp

Org-babel is used for literal programming in the scientific community,
using the facilities to tangle the source code into separate files and
to export the whole .org file to html, latex and other formats.

Each code block can be edited in the specialised Emacs mode for the
respective language, e.g shell code in shell-mode and R code in ESS
(emacs speaks statistics) mode.

I can imagine using org-babel as a flexilbe database reporting tool for
picolisp. It should be very easy, e.g., to build a dynamic database
report by sending data from a picolisp codeblock to a R codeblock for
analysis, print the results into the .org file, and export it to html or

Org-babel could be useful for documenting picolisp source-code too.
Inside the picolisp code-blocks, the usual minimal picolisp style could
be applied. All the other information could be part of the .org file.
This way, one could 'have his cake and eat it', so to say, since the
pure picolisp code blocks could be toggled into separate files, but a
lot of documentation could be added to the .org file that contains the


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