After some discussion on IRC I did the following:

(rebuild 29 '+ArFeLink 'article)

Where 29 is the number of the database file in question and 'article is the
relation. It had (+Ref +Link), it now has (+Aux +Ref +Link).

So far I haven't noticed any problems.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Alexander Burger <>wrote:

> Hi Henrik,
> > and it was on IRC so better get it out here. What exactly happens if I
> for
> > instance add an +Aux relation, will the DB engine recognize that it's new
> > and create the index to include all concerned objects, or will it simply
> When the DB model (the "er.l" file) is changed, it is not automatically
> detected at runtime. This would be difficult, as it might require a scan
> of the whole database. Also, a program is allowed to create arbitrary
> data, possibly outside the DB model, so such an automatism would be
> dangerous.
> The programmer must understand the implications of a change, and run an
> explicit rebuild-script. Adding or changing an index (like adding an
> +Aux relation) is one of the most typical cases.
> > come in to effect on all objects created from now on or will it corrupt
> the
> > DB? If I recall correctly it will simply work from now on but existing
> > objects won't be included in the index.
> Yes. The DB is not really corrupted in such a case, but the affected
> objects may not be found at searches.
> > And if I recall correctly I believe there were also some tools to rebuild
> in
> > situations like this or?
> 'rebuild' (in "lib/too.l") can be used for that.
> Sometimes, such modifications can be rather complex, and involve changes
> in the structures or types of objects. I strongly recommend to test it
> first on a local copy of the database.
> It is tricky if not only an index, but the type of indexed data changes.
> For example, I had the case last week that the "Land" property of
> several object classes changed from a plain string
>   (+Ref +String)
> to an entity
>   (+Ref +Link) NIL (+Land))
> Then simply changing the string in all objects to a '+Link' does not
> work, because the new index has a different structure. Therefore,
> removing the old string must happen in the old model, while setting the
> +Link to the land object must happen in the new model. I achieved this
> by switching the class of that relation daemon with 'bind' during each
> change:
>   (for (This ...)   # Iterate all involved objects
>      (let Str (: lnd)  # Keep the string value
>         (bind  # Temporarily set old relation classes
>            (list
>               (cons (get '+Cls1 'lnd) '(+Need +Sn +Idx +String))
>               (cons (get '+Cls2 'lnd) '(+Ref +String))
>               ... )
>            (put> This 'lnd NIL) )   # Clear old value and index
>         (put> This 'lnd  # Set new (entity) value and build index
>            (request '(+Land) ... Str ..) ) ) )
> This is just an example how complex such changes can be. But, on the
> other hand, there is almost no limit on what can be done.
> Cheers,
> - Alex
> --

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