Alexander Burger <> writes:

Hi Alex,

>> "<Alt>V" (M-V or M-S-v in Emacs)
>> "<Ctrl><ALT>V" (C-M-V or C-M-S-v in Emacs)
>> instead of something like this ("<Ctrl>V"):
> Unfortunately, this is not directly possible.
> Alt/Meta key combinations have no representation in ASCII or UTF-8.
> Instead, they are generated as events by the runtime system, where key
> events may have certain bits set for modifier keys.
> As such, they are very system-dependent. External libraries like
> 'termcap/terminfo' or 'curses' can be used to handle them.
> BTW, this is one of the reasons why the PicoLisp line editor uses a
> 'vi'-style user interface. It needs only ASCII-keys.

So <Ctrl> and <Shift> are the only 'meta-keys' that can be used (and
combined)? What about F1 to F12 or any other keys not used for

Would Emacs-like key-chords be possible? E.g. 'C-x u', i.e. type first
'<Ctrl>x' and then 'u', using 'C-x' as a kind of prefix that can be
combined with e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9].  

BTW - where are Ctrl-d and Ctrl-c defined? Could they be redefined to
something else in one single place?



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