Hi Alex,

> Hi Jon,
>> Is it possible with a quick one-liner like this ...
>> pil lib/http.l --server 8080 Some_Directory
>> .. to start serving html files from anywhere in that directory?
> Do you mean something like this?
>    pil @lib/http.l -'allowed ("doc/")' --server 8080 -wait
> Then you can access URLs like
>    http://<host>/doc/file.html         # If 'httpGate' is mapping to 8080
> or
>    http://<host>:8080/doc/file.html    # Without 'httpGate'
> ?? Alex

Thanks! I did this:
pil @lib/http.l -'allowed ("/Volumes/P2/JavaScript/")' --server 8080 -wait

Then I could do this in my browser:

As you might expect, it was also enough to start the server like this:
pil @lib/http.l --server 8080 -wait



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