My dearest fellow PicoLispers,

I should have shared this two months ago! I don't know why I didn't.
Anyway, I think PicoLisp is the coolest and wanted to give something back
to the community.

I made a functional mock-up of a possible new homepage for PicoLisp, which
can be found here:

I set out to build something that reflected the awesomeness of the language
as I see it, while respecting everything that came before me. The logo is
just a different take on the existing logo.  And you'll recognize a lot of
the writing from various PicoLisp sources and tutorials; I grabbed the bits
that I thought most effectively described what PicoLisp is about, and
weaved them together with some of my own prose. I think it's fun read
(albeit a little verbose) that would inspire newcomers to give PicoLisp
more of the attention it deserves.

It was built entirely with PicoLisp, love, and CSS. No frameworks, no extra
JS (or BS, for that matter). I tried to keep the CSS as minimal and modular
as possible - just a few tools and utils that I think fit very well into
the PicoLisp philosophy.

Do try resizing your browser! It's pretty responsive. Not bad for my first
foray into the world of frontend design :)

Now, I will admit that this falls more towards the designer side of the
developer/designer spectrum of websites. It's basically a PicoLisp version
of the Haskell website at this point. I'm not entirely sold on it myself
and the 'Try It' section is pretty corny, but I wanted something concrete
to work towards and this is what came of that effort.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions about the code or design
choices. Even more, I'd love to hear what you all think! What do you like?
Anything that doesn't sit well?

Frankly, my end game is to inspire the community to begin work on a new
PicoLisp website. PicoLisp has come so, so far in the last year! It's
spreading to more architectures, embedded devices, more people are joining
the mailing list than ever, writing and sharing software. I love every
second of it! So I wanted to give you all something to react to, to start
the conversation.

I had a blast creating this, and I hope that comes through!

Peace, love and PicoLisp,

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