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The Hollard Insurance Company Limited (Reg. No. 1952/003004/06)
PO Box 87419 Houghton 2041
RH Enthoven*(Chairman), NG Kohler(Group CEO), TBT Mparutsa (Group CFO),
RC Hallier, ZGG Mbatha, BF Mohale, PK Ward, H Masondo, IS Mzimela


Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg. No. 1993/001405/06)
PO Box 87428 Houghton 2041
RH Enthoven*(Chairman), NG Kohler (Group CEO), TBT Mparutsa (Group CFO)
RC Hallier, ZGG Mbatha, BF Mohale, AR Munro, H Masondo, IS Mzimela

Hollard at Arcadia 22 Oxford Road Parktown
Johannesburg (Vehicle entrance in Federation Road)
Tel 011 351 5000 Fax 011 351 5001

Company Secretary: NL Shirilele

Hollard Insurance and Hollard Life are both licensed Financial Services Pro=

Electronic Mail Disclaimer
The content in this e-mail and any attachment relating to the business of H=
ollard belong to Hollard. It is confidential, legally privileged and protec=
ted by law. Views and opinions are those of the sender unless clearly state=
d as being that of Hollard. The person addressed in this e-mail is the sole=
 intended authorized recipient. Please notify the sender immediately if it =
has unintentionally reached you and do not disclose or use the content in a=
ny way. Hollard cannot assure that the integrity of this communication has =
been maintained, or that it is free of errors, virus, interception or inter=

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<font face=3D"Arial" color=3D"Gray" size=3D"1">The Hollard Insurance Compan=
y Limited (Reg. No. 1952/003004/06)<br>
PO Box 87419 Houghton 2041<br>
RH Enthoven*(Chairman), NG Kohler(Group CEO), TBT Mparutsa (Group CFO),<br>
RC Hallier, ZGG Mbatha, BF Mohale, PK Ward, H Masondo, IS Mzimela<br>
Hollard Life Assurance Company Limited (Reg. No. 1993/001405/06)<br>
PO Box 87428 Houghton 2041<br>
RH Enthoven*(Chairman), NG Kohler (Group CEO), TBT Mparutsa (Group CFO)<br>
RC Hallier, ZGG Mbatha, BF Mohale, AR Munro, H Masondo, IS Mzimela<br>
Hollard at Arcadia 22 Oxford Road Parktown<br>
Johannesburg (Vehicle entrance in Federation Road)<br>
Tel 011 351 5000 Fax 011 351 5001<br>
Company Secretary: NL Shirilele<br>
Hollard Insurance and Hollard Life are both licensed Financial Services Pro=
Electronic Mail Disclaimer<br>
The content in this e-mail and any attachment relating to the business of H=
ollard belong to Hollard. It is confidential, legally privileged and protec=
ted by law. Views and opinions are those of the sender unless clearly state=
d as being that of Hollard. The
 person addressed in this e-mail is the sole intended authorized recipient.=
 Please notify the sender immediately if it has unintentionally reached you=
 and do not disclose or use the content in any way. Hollard cannot assure t=
hat the integrity of this communication
 has been maintained, or that it is free of errors, virus, interception or =


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