Hi folks,

I am reporting here the blog post I did on the honeynet project [1]

I gave a lecture on Picviz during the Usenix Workshop on the Analysis
of System Logs (WASL 2008)[2] about Picviz.

My slides 'Picviz: finding a needle in a haystack' are available right here.
I also ran for the Cray log analysis contest analysis. Slides of stuff
I discovered are here.

I lost the contest by 1 vote only, but I was fighting against someone
who knew a lot about Cray. He had in my opinion a better talk than
mine, but I just started the contest after my morning lecture and I
preferred talking with people during lunch than doing the contest ;-)
My discoveries + slides writing took me half an hour (thanks latex+beamer).

Back to the Picviz code, the svn is actually what will be release 0.5.
I will clean up a few things and you may expect the new release next


[1] https://www.honeynet.org/node/260
[2] http://www.usenix.org/events/wasl08/tech/
[3] http://www.wallinfire.net/files/picviz-usenix-wasl2008.pdf
[4] http://www.wallinfire.net/files/wasl2008-craylog-contest.pdf
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