Ali Gholami Rudi wrote:
> Pysmell, too, has emacs and vim plugins.  Maybe new code can be written
> to merge their proposals.
> Even if that is not possible, they can probably use new ideas to
> improve.  I think pysmell ideas can be used to enhance rope's SOA.
> Other improvement ideas are probably possible, too.  Any ideas?
Hi guys,

PIDA [1] uses Rope, and there is a plan to use PySmell too. From the 
gang of IDE developers that hang around here, it would be really nice if 
you would come up with a non-editor-specific interface that both of your 
tools conform to. Then writing adapters for Vim, Emacs, PIDA or any IDE 
would be a walk in the park.

This would make us all very happy. And considerably make your jobs 
easier too.



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