Hi Jane (and any others?), This is Keryn, I live in Hilton and have also 

Its not clear which of us is "leading" this PMB initiative - maybe we need to 
wait till we've all introduced ourselves (unless its just us two!).


I am rather slowed up due to an injury right now which means I mostly have to 
lie down with my leg in the air, but will check emails when I can. 


Maybe next week we can begin to do some planning, once we know who else may be 
on board and I'm more mobile?



Keryn Adcock


From: Jane Harley [mailto:janehar...@telkomsa.net] 
Sent: 13 August 2014 5:16 AM
To: 'Pietermaritzburg -- Avaaz'
Subject: [Pietermaritzburg] Re: Meet your fellow local climate volunteers!


Good morning, fellow local climate volunteers


My name is Jane Harley. I live in Claridge. I volunteered because I wanted to 
be sure that something happened in Pietermaritzburg, but am rather relieved 
that someone else got the actual job! Well done to whomever you are. I hope to 
be able to be supportive, and that we’ll be able to do something that, even if 
it doesn’t change the world, starts to change Pietermartizburg.


From: Avaaz Staff [mailto:cityadmin...@avaaz.org] 
Sent: 12 August 2014 04:34 AM
To: Avaaz Staff
Subject: [Pietermaritzburg] Meet your fellow local climate volunteers!


Dear Avaaz volunteers,


Thanks so much for stepping up and offering to help organise our climate 
mobilisation on September 21st! This email connects you to the other volunteers 
in your community.


Avaazers are pretty great people in general, but we've found that those of you 
who are also willing to volunteer your time are especially lovely! We've asked 
one of you to help everyone by facilitating, and they should be emailing you 
soon to introduce themselves and give you a sense of next steps.


Email is a pretty simple tool, but it's also powerful. Use it wisely to 
connect, encourage each other, and scheme, and you can change the world with 
it. Good luck!!


With hope and gratitude,

Ricken, Meredith, Matt, Ana Sofia and the whole Avaaz team.  

PS - Don't worry, your email address hasn't been given to anyone else, but if 
you reply to this email it will go to all the volunteers in your community. You 
should feel free to email the group, but also be responsible about sending too 
many emails that might overwhelm people. Particularly in larger towns there may 
be a lot of volunteers.

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