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The following page has been changed by PiSong:

The comment on the change is:
small mistake

  Table C
- FILTER : Bag x (f: Tuple -> Boolean ) -> Bag
+ FILTER :    Bag x (f: Tuple -> Boolean ) -> Bag
- COGroup :  [ Bag, f: Tuple -> Tuple ]^n -> Bag
+ COGroup :   [ Bag, f: Tuple -> Tuple ]^n -> Bag
  FOREACH  :  Bag x (f: Tuple -> Tuple) -> Bag
  GENERATE :  Tuple x (list of flatten flags) -> Tuple
  Note: If we just forget the flatten flags of GENERATE, it can be reduced to 
"GENERATE: Tuple -> Tuple"
- PROJECT : Tuple x (list of indices) -> Tuple
+ PROJECT :   Tuple x (list of indices) -> Tuple
- CROSS : Bag x Bag -> Bag
+ CROSS :     Bag x Bag -> Bag
- JOIN : This can be constructed by COGroup
- ORDER : Bag x (f: Tuple x Tuple -> CompareResult) -> Bag
+ ORDER :     Bag x (f: Tuple x Tuple -> CompareResult) -> Bag
- DISTINCT: Bag x (f: Tuple x Tuple -> CompareResult) -> Bag
+ DISTINCT:   Bag x (f: Tuple x Tuple -> CompareResult) -> Bag
- UNION: Bag x Bag -> Bag
+ UNION:      Bag x Bag -> Bag
- SPLIT: [ Bag, f: Tuple -> Boolean ]^n -> Bag^n
+ SPLIT:      Bag x [f: Tuple -> Boolean ]^n -> Bag^n
+ JOIN :      This can be constructed by COGroup
  == Problems with current Operators (5-May-2008) ==

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