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The following page has been changed by AndrzejBialecki:

  [ Pig] is a platform for analyzing large data 
sets. Pig's language, Pig Latin, is a simple query algebra that lets you 
express data transformations such as merging data sets, filtering them, and 
applying functions to records or groups of records. Users can create their own 
functions to do special-purpose processing. 
- Pig Latin queries execute in a distributed fashion on a cluster. Our current 
implementation compiles Pig Latin programs into Map-Reduce jobs, and executes 
them using Hadoop cluster.
+ Pig Latin queries execute in a distributed fashion on a cluster. Our current 
implementation compiles Pig Latin programs into Map-Reduce jobs, and executes 
them using Hadoop cluster. It's also possible to execute queries 
+ in a "local" mode (without Hadoop cluster), with performance limitations 
caused by running all processing in a single local JVM.
  == General Information ==
   * [ official Pig website]
  == User Documentation ==
+  * GettingStarted
   * IsPigRightForYou
   * This [attachment:piglatin.pdf document] describes Pig Latin from academic 
viewpoint, and discusses the relationship to other data-centric programming 

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