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The following page has been changed by francisoud:

The comment on the change is:
Adding link to LoggingPolicy

     3. A great majority of data queries can be answered using the provided 
operators.  A declarative language greatly reduces the development effort 
needed by users to make use of grid data.
     4. An interactive shell allows users to easily experiment with their data 
and queries in order to shorten their development cycle.
- All of this comes at a price in performance and flexibility.  An expert 
prorammer will always be able to write more efficient code in a lower level
+ All of this comes at a price in performance and flexibility.  An expert 
programmer will always be able to write more efficient code in a lower level
  language to execute a given job than can be done in general purpose higher 
level language.  Also, some types of jobs may not fit nicely into pig's query
  model.  For these reasons it is not envisioned that pig should become the 
only way to access data on the grid.  However, given sufficient performance,
  stability, and ease of use, the majority of users will find pig an easier way 
to write, test, and maintain their code.
@@ -259, +259 @@

  '''Current Situation''':  Most pig progress, debugging, and error information 
is currently written to stderr via System.err.println.  Hadoop uses log4j
  to provide trace logging.  Recently (as of pig 1.1d), pig began to use log4j 
as well.  However, very few parts of the code have been converted from
  println to log4j.  In addition, pig only has a screen appender for log4j, so 
it only writes to stderr.  Pig needs to be generating a log file on the
- front end as well.
+ front end as well. See [LoggingPolicy] for more details.
  '''Estimated Development Effort''':  Medium.

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