Difference in execution speed

2008-03-24 Thread Henrik Grubbstr�m (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum
Now the loops are optimized away as well: | ./pike -mmaster.pike lyslyskom16362790.pike 47 10 | Running 10 iterations on array of size 47 | ==-1 took 0.000s | 0 took 0.000s | has_index() took 0.000s

Difference in execution speed

2008-03-24 Thread Johan Sundstr�m (Achtung Liebe!) @ Pike (-) developers forum
I love it when you make pike harder to benchmark. :-)

libffi and java-static elements

2008-03-24 Thread H. William Welliver III
Did I understand correctly that libffi will be a bundle in Pike 7.8? If so, that makes it easier for me to include the Objective-C module directly in Pike. Also, I vaguely recall some additions to 7.7 that seemed to suggest java-static elements were coming at some point, too. Did I