Sql.Sql()->query() returns double values with MySQL backend

2018-06-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
> quite unexpected to have double values when changing SQL backends. > What's the rationale behind the commit? One thing I can think of is if you fetch same column name from multiple tables you can disambiguate between them in the response mapping.

Pike 8.0.528 release candidate

2018-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Good job! > o Toole.Standalone.check_http Small typo: Toole -> Tools

Calendar does not seem to use mktime()/localtime()/gmtime()

2017-12-14 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Isn't Calendar supporting a much wider range of years, i.e. not starting at 1970?


2017-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Sounds good. I first wondered what the relationship is to Thread, but the source code comments mentions that one can block a thread on the counter value so it probably fits that it's placed in that namespace. I wonder if RefCount would be a more suitable name though? Not a strong opinion either

Abbreviated function definitions

2017-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'm not fully convinced of the syntax proposed by Marcus. If the expression contains an assignment it leads to multiple "=" signs that look weird. In my testing now I see that Pike also supports inline declaration of a variable in a "return" statement. Not sure if this is by accident, but it can

Garbage i Pike core?

2017-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Ah, wrong kom (or wrong anguage :-). To recap: I see Pike 8 garbage collecting this object quite frequently, so my question is whether there's a leak in the internal search optimization? src/pike_search.c:197 _static_modules.Builtin()->Sear... 22 9 -24 148464

Garbage i Pike core?

2017-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Vi pratar en del om GC-körningar i CMS/EP i Slack, och på en i stort sett obelastad EP hos Kvällsstunden stack detta ut i manuell GC-körning: src/pike_search.c:197 _static_modules.Builtin()->Sear... 22 9 -24 148464 Är det någon intern optimering av (sträng?)sökning som

Performance/memory usage difference?

2016-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Or just class C(array b) { ... } and remove create() completely, though I haven't checked if the final modifier can be combined with that syntax.


2016-11-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Just thinking of Nilsson's trick here: - if(has_value(str, "\0")) + if( String.range(str)[0]==0 ) I was about to suggest moving this optimization to f_has_value(), but I now see that it's already part of f_search() (called by f_has_value) for string/string cases so this is just an

Re: glob() in 8.1

2016-05-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Granted more manageble for code I maintain myself, but it doesn't eliminate the problem in theory. I think it ultimately depends on what 8.1 is intended to be when it is released: a drop-in upgrade in 8.0 environments, or a major step like 7.x to 8.0? If it will become Pike 9.0 and introduce a

Re: glob() in 8.1

2016-05-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Not all of our source is public so I doubt you can check that. :-) Just one example where there could be a problem: filename pattern matching. We have customers that get news wires with odd filenames, and the pattern is user-configurable in the import module. It's the [ character that I think

glob() in 8.1

2016-05-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Just saw Per's checkin (781fcde2) in 8.1: > Extended glob pattern syntax: > o \ can now be used to quote special characters in the pattern > o [ can be used for ranges of characters ([bx] [a-c0-9] [^a] etc). > > Also changed glob to return the matching glob instead of 1 when an > array is

Pike 8.0

2014-10-03 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Building on OS X was broken since last week but I pushed some fixes to correct that.

Re: String.Buffer, drop addat(), keep sprintf() ?

2014-09-17 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
grubba added it, so I guess roxen uses it somewhere? Our dev branches still run on 7.8 so there shouldn't be any such dependency.


2014-09-17 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Here's one of several real-world examples that I found from our CMS (it's a bit tricky to grep after these constructs...): #define quote(X) (replace((X)||, ', '\'\')) [...] var name='destname' type='string' size='40' default=' + quote(sbobj-name(id)) + ' / A sbobj-name() returning 'foo'


2014-09-17 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Or Parser.HTML5?

PollBackend on OSX

2013-11-07 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
poll on OS X uses kqueue internally so it feels rather pointless unless I'm missing something.

Re: Pike 8

2013-06-14 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Cool, did indeed fix those benchmarks. On the other hand two of my three real-world XSLT tests dropped 2% (and one gained as much), but perhaps that's just differences in CPU cache use or alignment or similar.

Re: Pike 8

2013-06-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Very nice! I did compile a fresh 7.9 and then copied all the bench files back to an old 7.8 and ran both to compare. Although most things were noticeably improved there are a handful of significant regressions: 7.8: call_out handling.. 0.097s 0.005s (25) (200123/s) call_out

Google Protocol Buffers

2013-03-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
One of our customers asked about Pike support for Google Protocol Buffers [1]. I wasn't aware of that standard before but apparently it's been incorporated into a wide variety of languages [2]. Has anyone here experimented with it, and perhaps prototyped a Pike version? [1]

Re: overflow

2013-01-06 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Don't know if there could be other peep.in rules that take precedence or vary randomly. I know that one of the other bugs that I fixed (tNStr) didn't show up every compile. The fix I did for F_NEG_NUMBER begs the question whether 0x8000 is a valid argument for negation. I would assume not and

Re: overflow

2013-01-03 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Which branch? My fix for that was on Arne's branch. If that is stable I guess it's time to merge it into 7.9.

Re: overflow

2013-01-03 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I saw all of those too but they should be resolved on the of branch.


2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Good work! Unfortunately I cannot compile the bignum.h macros with Clang since the expansion order seems different (looks like type2 is not expanded): In file included from /Users/jonasw/hacks/Pike/git/pike79/src/modules/Gmp/mpz_glue.c:37: /Users/jonasw/hacks/Pike/git/pike79/src/bignum.h:179:1:


2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Changing the GEN_OF2 definition to use PIKE_CONCAT() simply shifts the problem to resolving MIN_long (which I guess should say MIN_INT128) so the expansion troubles aren't trivial to fix.


2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Ah, this was rather a case where unsigned __int128_t wasn't a valid type. Commenting out the INT128 support gives a complete build with no unexpected warnings but math is still broken: Pike v7.9 release 5 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend) -0x8000; (1) Result: 2147483648


2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Fix committed for the UINT128 problem on the of branch.

Re: overflow

2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Bignums in general work (and they did before too), but there are edge cases that breaks: Pike v7.9 release 5 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend) -0x7fff; (1) Result: -2147483647 -0x7fff - 1; (2) Result: 2147483648 -0x7fff - 2; (3) Result: -2147483649

Re: overflow

2013-01-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Yep, it's F_NEG_NUMBER in amd64.c that's broken.

Re: Warnings for unused variables

2012-12-31 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
As far as I can see its the latest change, which turned the macro into fuctions. I think its overall quite mysterious under which circumstances gcc (or clang) optimize that check away. In particular because compilers change and something that works now might break tomorrow. I don't know for

Warnings for unused variables

2012-12-30 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
The macro I'm borrowing renames variables to prevent accidental use. There are still places where variable usage is conditioned on other defines (e.g. POLL_DEBUG) and I'll leave them unchanged instead of creating a more complex wrapper.

Warnings for unused variables

2012-12-30 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Pushed now. If anything breaks please let me know. This cleanup was kickstarted when I tried to compile 7.9 with Clang. I still see wrong execution in e.g. integer/bignum handling so I hope to have more patches in the coming days. One of my other findings was the commit aabfb4f04c5

Re: Warnings for unused variables

2012-12-30 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Too bad with the name clash, but a Pike-prefixed name would also be quite annoying due to its length. Do you mean that my latest changes introduced the gcc overflow issues or only that you noticed them as of now? I'm also concerned about the overflow detection method using costly integer division

Warnings for unused variables

2012-12-29 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
When compiling Pike with clang I get massive amounts of warnings for unused variables. This detracts quite a bit from finding more serious errors and I've got a patch ready to remove them. However, before pushing that I'd like to hear if people have objections to changing declarations like in

Failed test on 7.8.695

2012-07-18 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Grubba is on vacation this week so I don't expect him to see your message for a few days.

Re: Pike 7.8 Release (last call)

2012-06-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Is the code generation problem a gcc bug that will be fixed in a future gcc 4.x release, or is it an incompatibility that Pike must accomodate (like 7.9 has)?

Visualization of inherit-graphs

2012-05-05 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Too bad those pages consistently crash latest Safari (at least for me, anyone else more successful?). Seems to be the xlink:href pointing to a page in the page cache that is the trigger, and since all graphs contain a link to the current page that condition is always satisfied. Even if we

Visualization of inherit-graphs

2012-05-02 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Nice! Can the unnecessary crossing lines be detected and removed by reordering the classes? I.e.: | Class Parser.XML.Tree.SimpleRootNode | Inherit graph | | predef::Parser.XML.Tree.AbstractSimpleNode | | | | predef::Parser.XML.Tree.VirtualNode | | | |

map/filter, mapping index/values

2012-04-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
You can subtract an array from a mapping to remove keys. With automap it would then become: mkmapping(a-name, a[*] - ({ name }) ); You can also apply `- if you prefer that: mkmapping(a-name, map(a, `-, ({ name }) )); Notice that - automatically applies to all array entries without the need

Re: String handling optimisation

2012-03-29 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
The issue isn't necessarily the hashing but the fact that you need to have this globally synced instead of e.g. creating a thread-local string pool. Still, I agree with you that fundamental properties of mappings etc are based on string uniqueness. There are other low-hanging fruit that should be

Design advice sought: Backend implementation

2012-01-31 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'm not sufficiently versed in the Pike internals to comment on your alternatives, but I too would welcome any CF/NS runloop integration improvements.

Re: configure.in question: compiler but not ld flags

2011-12-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Incidentally, on the latest releases of Darwin, the default compiler (with is llvm-based) aborts when compiling mapping.c. I still use regular gcc, so haven't attempted to report the bug. I've seen that too. It's normally sufficient to manually compile mapping.c with gcc and re-run make

Re: pike.ida.liu.se offline?

2011-05-11 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Dropping the module from the site configuration is perhaps enough?

Re: pike.ida.liu.se offline?

2011-05-10 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I couldn't access it earlier today. Routing problem?

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Not sure what happened here but it doesn't seem successful: dark-castle:pike79 $ git config branch.7.9.rebase true dark-castle:pike79 $ git status # On branch 7.9 nothing to commit (working directory clean) dark-castle:pike79 $ git pull warning: no common commits remote: Counting

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Here's the config (the rebase flag was set just prior to the procedure): dark-castle:pike79 $ less .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true ignorecase = true [remote origin]

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I've already performed reset --hard now so I don't know if forensics will be successful.

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
dark-castle:pike79 $ less .git/logs/refs/heads/7.9 37f43e3a6e557681ba693d5a8a587a84bf649414 Jonas Walldén jon...@roxen.com 1291069055 +0100clone: from git-p...@pike-git.lysator.liu.se:pike.git 37f43e3a6e557681ba693d5a8a587a84bf649414

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I think I'll pass. :-) Anyway, thanks for the hints.

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
OS X is case-insensitive but case-preserving.

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Well, sounds like a git bug then.

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
There seems to be a core.ignorecase config option that looks relevant. Maybe worth trying for anyone on OS X who haven't updated yet.

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Yep, seems that pulled in the conflicting branches: dark-castle:pike79 $ git config --global core.ignorecase true dark-castle:pike79 $ git pull From pike-git.lysator.liu.se:pike + 108b128...5c8e890 branches/hubbe - origin/branches/hubbe (forced update) + 4cff4c1...68b88f5

Filtering of git repository

2010-12-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Indeed, that's odd. dark-castle:pike79 $ git show-ref branches/hubbe branches/Hubbe 06983fde1434ab5470b2fb656c40db32b2e6a971 refs/remotes/origin/branches/Hubbe 5c8e89060d917cb3b06f831ed7df43e52b125c5c refs/remotes/origin/branches/hubbe

Re: DNSSD vs. Avahi

2010-08-02 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I think the problem is that the original author of DNS_SD was working from the Mac (Bonjour) APIs and at the time the compat lib offered a convenient way to offer that support elsewhere. Correct, when I wrote it I targeted it at OS X. The last time I looked at Avahi (years ago, though) it

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-16 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I understand your reasoning but disagree that the worst-case effects of this type of change warrants a 7.9. But if we get a 7.9 soon I'd be more positive; maybe we can develop there and backport if it turns out to be an improvement we want to distribute asap. Regarding the identifier cache, is

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-16 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
We know what we have I can't let this one pass. :-) How do you know when the existing implementation gives repeated collisions? I assume program IDs are pretty unstable, particularly in Roxen where module loading can happen anytime. And since collisions cannot be diagnosed from the application

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-15 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I've brought that up earlier and I still get thumbs-down from other people regarding such changes in the 7.8 branch. In my opinion a variant which is overall faster but where the slowest cases happen to shift to new places is a reasonable optimization even in the current branch but I'm not making

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Site is down now?

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Thanks. I wanted to double-check the numbers before saying that you should switch from total to user in the scraping code. The total value includes the launch time of Pike itself and is irrelevant to the particular benchmark that is run.

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Good, now the numbers look reasonable. If only the columns were sorted... :-)

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-12 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Nice! Does _261 mean that it's based on the Darwin build box? Also, what determines the column order?

Ideas for better performance

2010-07-11 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Right, I had considered your first case already and it is safe. Passing the mapping by reference would however be good anyway since that would avoid repeating the test for complex content but I never completed that solution since ONERROR setup/cleanup got messy.

Ideas for better performance

2010-07-10 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Exactly what I planned, though after Mast's note I might want to wait for that to be resolved as well.

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-08 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
The first program below illustrates the overhead of array copying and zeroing: int fn1() { array arg = ({ a, b, c }); return sizeof(arg); } int fn2() { array arg = allocate(4711); return sizeof(arg); } void main() { int dummy; int t0 = gethrvtime();

Re: Ideas for better performance

2010-07-08 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Good suggestion, I wasn't aware Pikefarm ran benchmarks all the time. Are there any tools on the site to chart the results?

Ideas for better performance

2010-07-07 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I've got a patch for copy_svalues_recursively_no_free() that I'd like to commit. The biggest gain is that the temporary mapping is only allocated when recursing into arrays/mappings/multisets with complex elements, and we now avoid placing simple elements in the mapping where they serve no

Ideas for better performance

2010-07-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
o index an object with the same index you just indexed it with (keep a small cache for indexing, have assembler code for checking the case, then a 'slow' fallback version) I made an attempt at this a while ago but gave up when I noticed that refcounting rules for objects and functions are

Ideas for better performance

2010-07-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
And yes, more revolutionary ideas would be fun to discuss sometimes. I glanced at the LLVM tutorial for integrating its SSA/code-gen libraries, and if MacRuby can use it, can't Pike?

Ideas for better performance

2010-06-30 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'd like to start a discussion on performance issues where I feel we can do a lot better with reasonable effort. My test case was initially the XSLT module in our CMS but with tools such as Shark (an OS X sampling profiler) I've encountered some interesting results that I've now reproduced in

URI host?blah

2010-05-23 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Is this malformed format widespread enough to warrant a change in the library? Why not just fix the string before you feed it into Standards.URI and maybe report the site/tool that generates it?

URI host?blah

2010-05-23 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Ok, if it's valid then it's a different story.


2010-05-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I just noticed that Locale.Charset treats US-ASCII and Latin-1 as equivalent encodings. I'd like to implement a separate encoder for the former so that I can get the custom substitution string/callback invoked for everything above 127. Any objections or should I reserve a new name (suggestions


2010-05-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I found these aliases: ascii us usascii isoir6 iso646us iso646irv1991 367 ansix341968 Looks ok?


2010-05-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Ah, I was thinking bits and thought high half was a bit too much. :-)

Re: Testsuite failures (Re: Gz.FIXED and Windows build)

2010-02-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Therefore I disabled the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.3 macro. Not sure what negative impact this has. People with MacOSX experience, please look into it (I merely tested it on my Leopard MacBook). We're still building on 10.4 and 10.5 in various combinations of PPC32, x86 and x86_64 and I'd

Re: Testsuite failures (Re: Gz.FIXED and Windows build)

2010-02-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
...but AvailabilityMacros.h indicates that it should already be done through MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET. Hmm, perhaps the latter isn't set in enough places during Pike builds?

Re: Testsuite failures (Re: Gz.FIXED and Windows build)

2010-02-20 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Actually, we *want* __DARWIN_UNIX03 to be set to 1. At least on a MacOSX Leopard Macbook we do, because that one returns 102 from the kernel incase of a not-supported error. But errno.h says there is a libc stub that converts it back to 45 if it's not set. Anyway, I don't ask for builds

7.8.406 alpha

2010-02-15 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'm also unsure about the %O[%d] style. Shouldn't there be a + sign before the bracket to match how strings are shortened in backtraces?

eureka reinstall

2009-10-26 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
How do I know if I use services from eureka?

eureka reinstall

2009-10-26 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Thanks, that made things clearer!


2009-09-09 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
That doesn't run m_delete on the original mapping but instead copies all remaining entries to a new one.

Re: Support for array(string|array(int))*string

2009-02-11 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
That code will copy and rehash data in your in string every iteration. At some point I implemented %*4711s in sscanf() just to be able to avoid that bottleneck and it gave significant savings in my test case (the XML markup repair code in Roxen CMS).

Re: Support for array(string|array(int))*string

2009-02-11 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Well, not too bad: sscanf(data, %* + pos + s..., ...); It's not impossible to think of an optimization that uses that format when the programmer writes sscanf(data[pos..], ..., ...); as long as the sscanf() return value is adjusted. Maybe Grubba fixed that already?


2008-12-16 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'm happy with Marcus' last change.

Pike 7.8 beta

2008-12-15 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'm confused about the way to refer to CMS. It's got a full XPath implementation as well as SloppyDOM (which is inspired by XPath and implements a small subset that should be identical in syntax to XPath for the features it supports) and that's it. There is no other semi-XPath or almost-XPath

Pike 7.8 beta

2008-12-15 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Roxen CMS was capable of a rather friendly subset of XPath (including, IIRC, mostly everything except document() Your memory is not correct. There is no XPath engine in SloppyDOM, just simple step patterns, node tests and a few predicates. There are no variables, expressions, functions or data


2008-12-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Query.pike keeps the con variable global in the object so I assume it is used later. Inside Stdio.File there are checks if the socket was opened earlier and the behavior changes accoringly. Passing the remote address to open_socket() would be semantically quite different from providing a local


2008-12-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Though moving the DNS lookup in Query.pike::thread_request() ought to fix that since we'd check the IP instead of the host name.


2008-12-13 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Stdio.File::open_socket() doesn't have such a parameter that I can find. Which one are you referring to? The host parameter seems intended for binding local interface only. If you'd like to rework Query.pike to get rid of open_socket() I see no problem in changing that. For now I'm inclined to

Lock free hash mapping

2008-12-01 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Avoiding power-of-two is something wikipedia (Hash table) comments on: Some older hashes are even worse, requiring table sizes to be a prime number rather than a power of two, again computing the bucket index as the hash value modulo the table size. In general, such a requirement is a sign of

Pike 7.7

2008-11-11 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Try this first in your tree: pike -x rsif 7.7 7.8 `find . -type f -name Repository`

Re: range operator

2008-11-10 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I was going to say that reverse() probably did 32-bit or 64-bit memory operations but that wasn't true either. Anyway, plenty of vectorization possibilities in reverse(), search() and string hashing in general. By the way, what CPU did you test on? On older hardware a program could benefit

range operator

2008-11-05 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'd much rather see a search_reverse() that operates from the end of the string (or given data type). It would be a bit more code but the result would be more consistent and predictable.

sorting, O(n^2) and O(n log(n))

2008-09-05 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Though Grubba's commit message didn't reveal so the change is only related to dmalloc. And speaking of algorithms, check out Introsort which is a O(n lg n) hybrid of quicksort and heapsort (already used elsewhere in Pike if I remember correctly).

7.8 alpha 2

2008-08-29 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Time for a follow-up. This bug seems most likely caused by dmalloc itself not being threadsafe in its handling of internal structures. A hacked version that Grubba and I put together got rid of the problem temporarily but I leave it to the dmalloc experts to develop a long-term solution.

7.8 build fix for native Java methods

2008-08-28 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I'd like to enable native Java methods on OS X x86_64. Unfortunately the current configuration code fails to find ffi headers in Apple's standard location (/usr/include/ffi/ffi.h) so I've got a small patch for that: ceylon:Java $ cvs diff -u configure.in jvm.c Index: configure.in

7.8 alpha 2

2008-08-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
I've now tracked down and fixed the bug. Ironically it's Mirar that caused it (granted a long time ago) by #define unsigned int size_t which isn't valid on a 64-bit machine. I believe it could have caused overwriting of as much memory as the resulting JPEG image occupied outside of the initial

7.8 alpha 2

2008-08-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
Ok, found and fixed that one as well. But of course fate deals me yet another one: #0 debug_fatal (fmt=0x10039ae30 really_free_memloc got invalid pointer %p\n) at /home/jonasw/pike/7.8/src/error.c:632 #1 0x00010014df83 in really_free_memloc (d=0x114727ac0) at

RFC int2string optimisation

2008-08-22 Thread Jonas Walldn @ Pike developers forum
You added a call to snprintf before checking that in so now the Windows build is broken: operators.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _snprintf referenced in function _o_cast_to_string pike.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

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