Dear piler users,

I've just released version 1.3.9 of piler. You may find below the changes at the end of this email. I'd like to describe the sphinx related changes in a bit more

Sphinx 3.3.1 introduced a strict check on the sql query for the indexer. Instead of relying on the underlying sql engine (mysql in our case) to determine if the sql query is syntactically correct, Sphinx took the matter to its own hands, and
rejecting the default piler query, even though it's correct for mysql.

Since I haven't got any meaningful response about the issue on the sphinx forum
in a month, we have two choices:

a) don't upgrade above sphinx-3.2.1. Sphinx 3.2.1 seems to be the last version
supporting the current sql query piler uses.

b) eat the bullet (switch to strict schema, and reindex everything).

The idea of sticking with a certain version of a product, and never upgrade cringes
me, so I think sooner or later I need to take option b).

To do that you need to do the following steps:
- upgrade to piler 1.3.9
- set $config['SPHINX_STRICT_SCHEMA'] = 1; in config-site.php
- set define('SPHINX_STRICT_SCHEMA', 1); in sphinx.conf
- reindex everything

I'll add a separate section for the sphinx 3.3.1 related stuff to the online documentation
with the above info.

The download link: (SHA256: eed041507fd9b16f59002570fde34b004980be70362efdec6f90b5f05face867)

Also I've neglected documenting the release notes since 1.3.0, so it's high time to
continue tracking what's changed. These are the 1.3.9 changes:

- Added a separator to searching for attachment names
- [BUGFIX] Render multiple mail parts in mail view instead of only the last part - Use TLS v1.2 with openssl 1.0.x for connecting remote pop3/imap servers
- Instant search results to the gui when the search page loads
- Support sphinx-3.3.1, introduced sphinx strict mode variable
- GUI domain fixes
- gcc 9 fixes
- Fix permission on sphinx data dir to 700
- should honor the mysqlhost value
- Password change enabled by default
- Health page fixes
- GUI mime parser fixes
- Start/stop script fix
- Optimized search page for mobile devices, set $config['ENABLE_MOBILE_PREVIEW'] = 1; in config-site.php to enable it


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