
If its any help I looked up the largest size of the ortho film I use.
(Kpgraphics Kodak Camera 2000 CGP film)

Its a 52 inch by 200 foot roll.



If this was used, I wonder if you could skip the initial pre-wash, and
make a giant vaccuum frame for to get good contact for the contact print.
I've heard of people making a vaccuum frame with sheets of clear mylar,
instead of glass on a wooden base.  But that goes against the rule of
thumb of keeping things as simple as possible ;)

I'm astounded at the effort you've put into this.

Once you figure out all the details we'll have to get a number of room
size pinhole cameras shots on pinhole day all over the world next year and
then make an international travelling exhibition with them :)  Nothing
like thinking big.


On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Guy Glorieux wrote:

> Hi friends,
> It's was exactly two months ago this weekend that we shot our giant
> pinhole photograph from the 10th floor of the Wyndham hotel in Montreal
> and after considerable struggle, we've finally created a contact
> positive from the paper negative.
> Of the 3 prints we made during the weekend, one is successful and one is
> OK.  The last has really weird streaks which would normally be
> unacceptable but turns it into a rather surreal print.  I will be
> shooting pictures of the prints tomorrow and hope to be able to post the
> images on the web soon after.
> This whole project was incredible hard work and I understand why those
> who do giant paper negatives do not make contact positives.  It requires
> a big team (there were seven of us and that was not too much),  a
> detailed script of each and every task to be done, by whom and when as
> well as a tremendous amount of coordination between the team members.
> It also requires huge facilities.  The printing and processing was done
> in a light tight 20'x30' studio with a 12' ceiling and this was cramped.
> We needed an additional light tight room with a large 3'x6' sink to
> pre-wash the unexposed paper before making the contact print and to wash
> the prints after processing.  And then we needed a clean room to hang
> dry the 12.5' x 8' prints and the paper negative after they were washed.
> I won't talk about costs, but all in all, we've used 1 1/4 roll of 50''
> x 98' of Ilford paper for the negative and the contact prints; close to
> 100 sheets of 16x20 paper, 50 sheets of 11x14 paper and about 250 sheets
> of 8x10 paper for the exposure tests; and finally over 300 litres of
> developer and 300 litres of fix for the processing.
> We plan to take a break this summer from giant pinholin' but we're doing
> location search for more images.
> Talk to you soon,
> Guy
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Gordon J. Holtslander           Dept. of Biology
hol...@duke.usask.ca            112 Science Place
http://duke.usask.ca/~holtsg    University of Saskatchewan
Tel (306) 966-4433              Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Fax (306) 966-4461              Canada  S7N 5E2

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