Evening, I just got finished redoing my Polaroid
"Polapin" 210 with a new pinhole. I scrapped the home
made copper foil handrilled #10 needle hole in favor
of a laser drilled .016" one. I liked the difference,
my handrilled was out of round and made quite blurry
pictures, the laser drilled pinhole has much more
clarity and "depth" to it than the previous one did,
I'm glad to have made the change. This was the camera
I used for last World Pinhole Day, and my first "real"
pinhole camera, so it has lots of sentimental value to
me. AAR, I tried *several* times to upload, for
whatever reasons the second attempt was the only
successful one, the first and third attempt failed and
I apologize for all the trouble to the list. And so,
my only viewable file is "portrait of the artist..."
f/322 at 20 secs, with a .016" pinhole, the vignetting
is from the lens being behind the shutter mechanism
and so is intended to be seen. Every pinhole picture
that I take is reason to enjoy the entire experience
all the more, every picture takes me a little closer
to what I'm attempting to say with photographs. Thanks
everyone, David Walters 

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