At 06:57 PM 5/1/02 -0700, you wrote:
So, we're not talking about a lot of money. But, what we receive will be used only for WPPD expenses. And so far, those expenses are very small - domain name registration, and some web server expenses.


I am so pleased with the WPPD event -- and can only imagine the work involved -- that I would like to contribute to the cause. I plan to buy a t-shirt, but I'd like to make more than a $1 contribution.

Could WPPD use money for past or future expenses?

If so, can we send checks to you?  And you address?

Thanks to all the organizers for the hard work.


Hi Tom,

Thanks for your generous thoughts on supporting WPPD. My initial response is to say "no need for that". But it isn't for me only to say, and I think it would be good to let you and others know about the money side of this.

To put things into context, the only expenses for planning and promoting WPPD (beyond the countless hours donated by members of the coordinating team and translators) are for the web site and the registration of the domain name. The domain registration is around $18 a year. And the WPPD web site is actually a part of the Pinhole Visions web site - it just has it's own domain name and URL.

Why is it set up this way? Well, I'm a computer programmer and a visual artist. The Pinhole Visions web site is one of my hobbies. I rent for the web space for Pinhole Visions from one of the best web service providers in the world, pair Networks. I pay what many would consider a high price for this space in order to have access to the tools and databases I need to write intelligent, "data-driven" applications (like the WPPD2 exhibition). Also, I hate web sites with obnoxious pop-up window ads and banner ads on each page trying to sell stuff I have no interest in. By paying for my space from a reputable service provider, I have complete control of the content for both Pinhole Visions and for WPPD (no ISP pop-up or banner ads).

My goal with the PV web site has always been to provide a place where pinholers can participate in a variety of ways. This discussion list started by James Kellar and moderated by James and Guy Glorieux is one example. Robert Oehl edits the "directory" of over 200 pinhole web sites listed on the PV site. And, close to 30 members of the WPPD team have personal accounts to log in and edit the content of the web site. It's very gratifying to me that so many of us are contributing to that web site. WPPD isn't just "my" web site. It is "our" web site.

I have paid the bills for all of this for about 5 years now. I have introduced a few ways to reduce my costs such as selling books through, and I recently began selling Pinhole Visions "wares" similar to the WPPD "wares". I only advertise pinhole-related items. Book sales from Amazon pay for 1 or 2 months operation per year. The "wares" may eventually pay for another month. The biggest support I have received in operating the PV site is from Zernike Au and the Zero Image Company. Zernike is my only paying advertiser on the site and I am proud to advertise his fine products.

I think for the future of the Pinhole Visions site and the future of the WPPD, it would be good to consider moving WPPD to its own "account". And that will mean new funding for that. There have been discussions among some of the members of the coordinating team to set up WPPD as a non-profit organization. If that happens, funding will be an important issue.

So, to get back to your question, please do not send me any money. Let's wait until the WPPD3 coordinating team is formed, and see what their plans are.

- Gregg
Pinhole Visions at http://www.???????
Worldwide Pinhole Photograhy Day at

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