Hi all,
This is in response to a thread we had a month or so ago.  I just returned from 
a week of shooting in and around Grand Rapids, MI.  To my surprise, the Grand 
Rapids airport is one of 5 nationwide which has installed the latest and 
greatest in x-ray technology.  Immediately as I entered the airport my checked 
baggage was screened by (quite possibly) the largest machine I have ever seen.  
In big and bold letters it stated quite clearly that any and all film which is 
unknowingly passed through the machine will be destroyed.  The gentleman who 
was running it was kind enough to hand check the film and place it in my 
checked baggage, however I was the only person in line and I received the 
impression that I was the exception, not the rule.
As I had quite a bit of film and no room for it with my one carry-on, I had to 
check it through.  However  If you wish to carry your film on the flight, the 
same rules apply as before, just smile and ask politely to have the security 
hand check your film at the check point.  Unfortunately as many of us shoot 
larger film it is not always successful, and with the new, high power x-ray 
machines, even the asa 50 is in danger of fogging.  I fondly remember the time 
when it was quite safe to have your film in your checked baggage, as well as in 
your carry-on, but no longer when travelling to and from Grand Rapids, Michigan.
As my laptop went through the x-ray machine without problem, I am getting 
closer to buying a digital camera and give up on film entirely.  I imagine a 
state of the art Canon D60 with a pinhole bodycap would solve all of my 
travelling woes.  Any donations of said equipment is greatly appreciated! :)

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