Here's my two cents on the date issue:
I love the energy and enthusiasm that everyone is showing about this.  I
think we should plunge in and see what happens with a Spring 2001 date.
Though I think it's great to get the word out to as many people as possible,
it would also be great to see what is generated just from the folks on this
list alone.

This is slightly off-topic, but I think the point is relevant.  I once read
an article arguing that non-profit comunity service organizations should
only get public funding for the first 5 years.  The idea was that these
organizations are started by a group of people who see a need and have the
idealism and energy to try to fill that need.  Everyone pitches in wherever
needed, it's chaos, and somehow, amazing feats are accomplished.  Once
organizations have been around for 5 years, everyone starts to fill a
certain job descriptions and not want to step out of them, and some on the
great manic energy is lost (or exchanged for stability, which is also
important).  While I ultimately stongly disagreed with the thesis of the
article, I think the point about the joy of something new and
fly-by-the-seat-of-it's-pants is well taken.  It would be GREAT if this
pinhole day grew into something well-established, well-publicized and
efficient.  But for this first year, maybe we should just dive in and see
what happens out of the mania.

I totally understand Jean's points (and those of others who have argued to
put this off a bit), and will be happy with whatever day is chosen.  But
those are my thoughts, for your consideration.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jean Daubas
To: pinhole-discussion@p at ???????
Sent: 3/2/01 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] the Pinhole Polls are open...

Hi all,

Considering the date for the first edition of the future Pinhole Day,
is one of the issues which we have to vote for and which is the most
discussed issue about Pinhole Polls until now, I would like, if you
me, to add short comments.
It has been not even 3 weeks now since the idea of creating a Pinhole
has been generated by Valentines' Day.
Such an idea, if we want  to make it into a successful event, needs a
minimum of coordination, information spreading, technical preparation.
if we do not have oversized ambitions (and don't worry, we definitely
not!), we discover everyday that the list of tasks to do is increasing
number, needs for help and volunteers and that it will take a lot of
to have all the issues well mastered.
And of course, not everything is depending on the work of the members of
organizing team. It depends also on help of the members of the list (=
and on the reactivity of the external actors that we have to work with
if we
want to succeed. Do not forget that one of the main features of the
event is
to have a "world-wide" dimension; even if we know that we shall not have
participations from all parts of the world, we want to  really place
event on an international basis. That alone requires distributing
tasks (translations, sending info to "target" organizations, contacts
local media, etc.) between volunteers and coordinating the coherence of
these tasks...
Publications of Press Release in various media supports must be
with each publication or magazine editorial rhythm  (often more than 5
for monthly mags...). Without taking care of these constraints, we shall
be able to reach our goals :
 -have a large number of pinholers everywhere on Earth creating pinhole
pictures on the same day and loading them on the official Pinhole Day
-display on a quality site all the pictures made on pinhole Day so that
very large number of visitors can discover and/or appreciate the Pinhole

It is why, taking in consideration all these elements , my preferences
go to
a distant date : 1st Sunday in June. Of course I may be wrong but I
fear that choosing a closer date (April) does not allow to work in
appropriate conditions and that it leads to a very unsatisfactory
On the opposite side, I would rather not wait for the fall (being
that Summer  months are not a good choice for reasons already discussed
here) because I think It is too far and there is a risk that our
will have difficulties to maintain at the top level we know at the
day! June seems realistic to me, even if we have still a lot of tasks to

In the Pinhole Polls at  http://www.p at ???????/discussion/polls.php
(closing date : Sunday  24:00 GMT), you will notice that there are 2
equivalent choices offered : Sunday June 3rd and First Sunday of
is June 3rd in 2001). First Sunday of June could become a regular basis
next years Pinhole Days. If you have not yet expressed your vote, I wish
these comments will help you to build up your choice.
In all cases, it is a democratic mode of taking decisions and I shall
respect the will of the majority which will express, my only concern
to contribute creating a true moment of pleasure for the largest number
persons (photo submitters + web-site visitors)

Thanks for your patience reading my bad English
Happy pinholing !
Jean Daubas,  auteur-photographe
Rue de Bourg-Sec    25440  LIESLE    France

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Vande Bunt" <>
To: <pinhole-discussion@p at ???????>
Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 6:54 AM
Subject: Re: [pinhole-discussion] the Pinhole Polls are open...

> The other reason to avoid "summer" is that summer does not
> happen at the same time in both hemispheres...
> Mike Vande Bunt

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