Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Michael Stapelberg <>

* Package name    : golang-github-gtank-cryptopasta
  Version         : 0.0~git20170601.1f550f6-1
  Upstream Author : George Tankersley
* URL             :
* License         : CC0-1.0
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : copy & paste-friendly golang crypto

 TL;DR- Copy & paste your crypto code from here instead of Stack Overflow.
 This library demonstrates a suite of basic cryptography from the Go standard
 library. To the extent possible, it tries to hide complexity and help you avoid
 common mistakes. The recommendations were chosen as a compromise between
 cryptographic qualities, the Go standard lib, and my existing use cases.
 Some particular design choices I've made:
 1. SHA-512/256 has been chosen as the default hash for the examples. It's
    faster on 64-bit machines and immune to length extension. If it doesn't work
    in your case, replace instances of it with ordinary SHA-256.
 2. The specific ECDSA parameters were chosen to be compatible with RFC7518[1]
    while using the best implementation of ECDSA available. Go's P-256 is
    constant-time (which prevents certain types of attacks) while its P-384 and
    P-521 are not.
 3. Key parameters are arrays rather than slices so the compiler can help you
    avoid mixing up the arguments. The signing and marshaling functions use the
    crypto/ecdsa key types directly for the same reason.
 4. Public/private keypairs for signing are marshaled into and out of PEM
    format, making them relatively portable to other crypto software you're
    likely to use (openssl, cfssl, etc).
 5. Key generation functions will panic if they can't read enough random bytes
    to generate the key. Key generation is critical, and if crypto/rand fails at
    that stage then you should stop doing cryptography on that machine 
 6. The license is a CC0 public domain dedication, with the intent that you can
    just copy bits of this directly into your code and never be required to
    acknowledge my copyright, provide source code, or do anything else commonly
    associated with open licenses.
 The specific recommendations are:
 Encryption - 256-bit AES-GCM with random 96-bit nonces
 Using AES-GCM (instead of AES-CBC, AES-CFB, or AES-CTR, all of which Go also
 offers) provides authentication in addition to confidentiality. This means that
 the content of your data is hidden and that any modification of the encrypted
 data will result in a failure to decrypt. This rules out entire classes of
 possible attacks. Randomized nonces remove the choices around nonce generation
 and management, which are another common source of error in crypto
 The interfaces in this library allow only the use of 256-bit keys.
 Hashing - HMAC-SHA512/256
 Using hash functions directly is fraught with various perils – it's common for
 developers to accidentally write code that is subject to easy collision or
 length extension attacks. HMAC is a function built on top of hashes and it
 doesn't have those problems. Using SHA-512/256 as the underlying hash function
 means the process will be faster on 64-bit machines, but the output will be the
 same length as the more familiar SHA-256.
 This interface encourages you to scope your hashes with an English-language
 string (a "tag") that describes the purpose of the hash. Tagged hashes are a
 common "security hygiene" measure to ensure that hashing the same data for
 different purposes will produce different outputs.
 Password hashing - bcrypt with work factor 14
 Use this to store users' passwords and check them for login (e.g. in a web
 backend). While they both have "hashing" in the name, password hashing is an
 entirely different situation from ordinary hashing and requires its own
 specialized algorithm. bcrypt is a hash function designed for password storage.
 It can be made selectively slower (based on a "work factor") to increase the
 difficulty of brute-force password cracking attempts.
 As of 2016, a work factor of 14 should be well on the side of future-proofing
 over performance. If it turns out to be too slow for your needs, you can try
 using 13 or even 12. You should not go below work factor 12.
 Symmetric Signatures / Message Authentication - HMAC-SHA512/256
 When two parties share a secret key, they can use message authentication to
 make sure that a piece of data hasn't been altered. You can think of it as a
 "symmetric signature" - it proves both that the data is unchanged and that
 someone who knows the shared secret key generated it. Anyone who does not know
 the secret key can neither validate the data nor make valid alterations.
 This comes up most often in the context of web stuff, such as:
 1. Authenticating requests to your API. The most widely known example is
    probably the Amazon AWS API, which requires you to sign requests with
    HMAC-SHA256. In this type of use, the "secret key" is a token that the API
    provider issues to authorized API users.
 2. Validating authenticated tokens (cookies, JWTs, etc) that are issued by a
    service but are stored by a user. In this case, the service wants to ensure
    that a user doesn't modify the data contained in the token.
 As with encryption, you should always use a 256-bit random key to
 authenticate messages.
 Asymmetric Signatures - ECDSA on P-256 with SHA-256 message digests
 These are the classic public/private keypair signatures that you probably think
 of when you hear the word "signature". The holder of a private key can sign
 data that anyone who has the corresponding public key can verify.
 Go takes very good care of us here. In particular, the Go implementation of
 P-256 is constant time to protect against side-channel attacks, and the Go
 implementation of ECDSA generates safe nonces to protect against the type of
 repeated-nonce attack that broke the PS3.
 In terms of JWTs, this algorithm is called "ES256". The functions
 "EncodeSignatureJWT" and "DecodeSignatureJWT" will convert the basic signature
 format to and from the encoding specified by RFC7515[2]

This is a build-dependency for dex.

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