  I was working on JOSM package, and then I found out that you guys have 
  been working on it too. I looked at your work on Alioth's SVN. It 
  looks much better than what I did indeed. Except for are a couple of 

  1. Your package compiles against sun-java6-jdk which as far as I 
  understand could make the package be in non-free. I compiled using 
  IcedTea, I know that IcedTea is not *yet* in Debian, but I was just 
  talking to someone who is working on a Debian package for IcedTea 
  this weekend.

  2. I added a josm.desktop file.

  Please find the .diff file attached with this email, I hope that you'd 
  find benefit in it and probably merge some of what I've done 
  (especially the 2 points I mentioned) with your work.


 أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG KeyID: 0x9DCA0B27 (@ subkeys.pgp.net)
 GPG Fingerprint: 087D 3767 8CAC 65B1 8F6C  156E D325 C3C8 9DCA 0B27

Attachment: josm_1.6+svn20080104-1.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

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