On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 04:52:12PM +1200, Hamish wrote:
> remaining issues raised in this bug report still to be dealt with
> > checkbashisms' output:
> >> possible bashism in ./usr/lib/grass64/scripts/mkftcap line 34 (should
> >> be >word 2>&1):
> >>     if which fc-list >&/dev/null ; then
> >
> > don't know.  source:
> > http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass/branches/develbranch_6/tools/mkftcap/mkftcap

This should be fixed, it does not work under dash for instance. The suggested 
fix works.

> -----
> >> possible bashism in ./usr/lib/grass64/etc/Init.sh line 330
> >> ($HOST(TYPE|NAME)):
> >> if [ "$HOSTTYPE" = "arm" ] ; then
> >
> > this is probably not of interest to Debian; thus if it fails no loss.
> > (fails safely)
> if this is considered a problem maybe add a dpatch to rip out that check?
> All it does it assume ARM means you have a small device+screen and so the
> default window size is a little smaller. If it fails due to dash being
> used (perhaps not an unusual occurance on embedded ARM systems) it just
> falls back to the initial default window size of 640x480. Personally
> I'd be inclined to just leave it as-is.

It could be removed. Thinking that an arm is necessarily an handheld
or something like that is oversimplified.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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