Title: Subscription Confirmation
I have created a mailing list exclusively for my friends and family and I have added your e-mail address. This mailing list enables you to receive e-mail messages, announcements, and other information that I may send out to my friends and family.

The licensing agreement for the program I am using requires that I maintain a 100% permission-based mailing list, so please verify that you want to subscribe.

Do not reply to this e-mail. Instead, follow the hyperlink to confirm your subscription to my mailing list. If you do not want to subscribe, simply ignore this message and the program will automatically remove pkg-grass-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org from my mailing list.

You can cancel your subscription or change subscription preferences at any time by clicking the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any future e-mail message that I send to you through this mailing list. Thank you for confirming your subscription


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Pkg-grass-devel mailing list

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