Re: [DebianGIS-dev] r996 - packages/debian-gis/tasks

2007-08-06 Thread Petter Reinholdtsen
[Paolo Cavallini] > My suggestion: Thank you. I've commited it. Why do you list postgresql-8.2-postgis, libgdal1-1.4.0-grass and libgdal1-1.4.0 explicitly? I would expect these to be pulled in as dependencies? Did anyone test the live cd build script? I am curious if it work for anyone else.

Re: [DebianGIS-dev] r996 - packages/debian-gis/tasks

2007-08-06 Thread Paolo Cavallini
My suggestion: Depends: mapserver-bin, gmt, gpsbabel, gpx2shp, gpsd, gpsdrive, \ gpsman, openjump, earth3d, openscenegraph, proj, postgis, \ openev, kflog, grace6, gpstrans, geoip-bin, gpsd-clients, \ grass-doc, php5-mapscript, phppgadmin, gpsmanshp, \