Source: libspring-java
Version: 4.3.10
Severity: normal
Usertags: default-java9

This package fails to build with default-jdk pointing to openjdk-9-jdk.
Please fix it, so that we can start the transition to Java 9.
The wiki has some common problems and their solutions:

No idea what's going on here, there's some possibility the issue is
inside gradle, but it appears to actually be breaking while running an
ant job. Upstream appear to have looked at Java 9 support multiple years
ago, but not recently? Some sub-components of Spring are looking at it
actively, so maybe the errors are going to get resolved:

I'm raising this issue mainly because I can't find this build log
excerpt anywhere:

 [error] The type java.lang.String cannot be resolved. It is indirectly 
referenced from required .class files
[ant:iajc] (no source information available)
 [error] The hierarchy of the type AbstractTransactionAspect is inconsistent
[ant:iajc] public abstract aspect AbstractTransactionAspect extends 
TransactionAspectSupport implements DisposableBean {
[ant:iajc]                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 [error] The hierarchy of the type AbstractTransactionAspect is inconsistent
[ant:iajc] public abstract aspect AbstractTransactionAspect extends 
TransactionAspectSupport implements DisposableBean {
[ant:iajc]                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
 [error] The hierarchy of the type AbstractTransactionAspect is inconsistent
[ant:iajc] public abstract aspect AbstractTransactionAspect extends 
TransactionAspectSupport implements DisposableBean {
[ant:iajc]                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[ant:iajc] 4 errors
:spring-aspects:compileJava FAILED
:spring-aspects:compileJava (Thread[Task worker Thread 24,5,main]) completed. 
Took 2.583 secs.


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