No matches were found for subject:"\[libswingx\-java\] 11\/26\: \* New \"libswingx\-java\-doc\" package\: \- contains API javadoc documentation \- Describe quilt patch system in debian\/README.source \* Maven POMs\: \- Add a Build\-Depends\-Indep dependency on maven\-repo\-helper \- Use mh_installpoms and mh_installjar to install the POM and the jar to the Maven repository \- Remove unneeded dependencies in pom.diff patch \* Maven ant helper \(build system\)\: \- Add a Build\-Depends dependency on maven\-ant\-helper \- Update debian\/build.xml to use \/usr\/share\/maven\-ant\-helper\/maven\-build.xml \- Build classpath is now defined in debian\/"