Processed: Blocking bugs of 781063

2015-10-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> block 781063 by 801001
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 801004 800973 800986 800971 800983 800990 800976 800995 
800997 800992 800974 800999 800977 800993 801002 800996 800989 800985 800972 
800991 800998 800978 800981 800988 801000 801003 800994 800979 800980 800984 
800987 800975 800982
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 801001
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

This is the maintainer address of Debian's Java team
Please use for discussions and questions.

Processed: Blocking bugs of 781063

2015-10-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> block 781063 by 801001
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 801002 800989 800971 800980 800992 800993 801000 800999 
800979 800977 800985 800994 800990 800988 800975 800974 801001 801003 800995 
800987 800973 800997 800978 800983 800982 800998 801004 800984 800991 800972 
800976 800996 800981 800986
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Ignoring request to alter blocking bugs of bug #781063 to the same blocks 
previously set
> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact with problems

This is the maintainer address of Debian's Java team
Please use for discussions and questions.

Processed: Blocking bugs of 781063

2015-10-05 Thread Debian Bug Tracking System
Processing commands for

> block 781063 by 800971
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was not blocked by any bugs.
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800971
> block 781063 by 800972
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800971
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800972
> block 781063 by 800973
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800972 800971
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800973
> block 781063 by 800974
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800971 800972 800973
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800974
> block 781063 by 800975
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800972 800974 800973 800971
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800975
> block 781063 by 800976
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800974 800973 800975 800972 800971
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800976
> block 781063 by 800977
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800971 800975 800976 800972 800974 800973
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800977
> block 781063 by 800978
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800973 800974 800972 800976 800975 800977 800971
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800978
> block 781063 by 800979
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800978 800977 800972 800975 800974 800971 800976 800973
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800979
> block 781063 by 800980
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800977 800978 800974 800972 800975 800971 800973 800976 
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800980
> block 781063 by 800981
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800973 800979 800976 800980 800971 800974 800972 800975 
800977 800978
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800981
> block 781063 by 800982
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800971 800979 800976 800980 800973 800981 800978 800977 
800972 800975 800974
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800982
> block 781063 by 800983
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800982 800981 800978 800977 800975 800972 800974 800971 
800980 800979 800976 800973
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800983
> block 781063 by 800984
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800980 800976 800979 800973 800971 800983 800975 800972 
800974 800981 800978 800982 800977
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800984
> block 781063 by 800985
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800973 800979 800976 800980 800983 800971 800984 800974 
800972 800975 800977 800982 800978 800981
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800985
> block 781063 by 800986
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800984 800971 800985 800983 800980 800979 800976 800973 
800982 800981 800978 800977 800975 800972 800974
781063 was not blocking any bugs.
Added blocking bug(s) of 781063: 800986
> block 781063 by 800987
Bug #781063 [src:commons-httpclient] commons-httpclient: should be removed from 
Debian during the Stretch release cycle
781063 was blocked by: 800971 800985 800983 800973 8009