Dear all,

Yadd said that to provide all embedded packages:

> If you use dh-sequence-nodejs, just add "Provides: ${nodejs:Provides}" and:
>   echo '*' >debian/nodejs/root_modules

I've also started looking at Pirate's work-in-progress on
node-webfont.  I realise that I don't know a few things:

(1) What is considered "best practice" for group sources packages?
I've had a look at the Wiki and the pkg-js-tools, which
is a really good start.  I would find it super-helpful if someone
could point me at a Debian node package which uses group sources and
is regarded as being in good shape.

(2) Are all of the things that should/could appear in debian/nodejs
listed in that file?

(3) Webfont uses older versions of some packages.  I can probably use
newer versions, but would I have to change anything to make the
package "compile" or "work" correctly?

Thanks for your help with such newbie questions!

Best wishes,


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