
packaging node-ava needs a (too big) lot of components/packages (I
stopped counting at 48).

 * for simple test files, replace it by node-tape:

    ##   ORIGINAL TEST     ###        TAPE TEST            ##
    import test from 'ava'  #  const test = require('tape')
    import foo from '.'     #  const foo = require('.')
    test('bar', t => {      #  test('bar', t=> {
      t.is( foo(0), 0)      #    t.is( foo(0), 0)
    }                       #    t.end()
                            #  }

   Just to transform in commonjs and add "t.end()" at each test; and
   adapt some functions name. For example, t.notThrows becomes
   See /usr/share/doc/node-tape/readme.markdown.gz to find

 * more complex test files, use jest (via jest-codemods)

    $ npx jest-codemods
    ? Which parser do you want to use? Babel
    ? Which test library would you like to migrate from? AVA
    ? Are you using the global object for assertions? No
    ? Will you be using Jest on Node.js as your test runner? Yes
    ? On which files or directory should the codemods be applied?
    Executing command: jscodeshift -t [...] test.js \
       --ignore-pattern node_modules --parser babel
    Processing 1 files...
    Spawning 1 workers...
    Sending 1 files to free worker...
    All done.
    0 errors
    0 unmodified
    0 skipped
    1 ok

    # Test it
    $ jest --ci --testRegex test.js

    It may need a babel file. If so, add a babel.config.json:
       "presets": [ "@babel/preset-env" ],
       "plugins": [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime" ]

Anyway, jest has not exactly the same features than ava. Especially some
throwsAsync / notThrowsAsync test should be removed or modified.

I'll add this to https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Tutorial when
wiki.debian.org will be available (403 for now...)


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