[Pkg-javascript-devel] pkg-js-tools transition in progress

2019-08-01 Thread Xavier
Le 30/07/2019 à 19:51, Xavier a écrit :
> Hi all,
> I rebuilt the ~100 packages that uses pkg-js-tools using version 0.8.6
> (experimental), the main problem for unstable transition is that it
> causes a double install for package that didn't migrate to
> "/usr/share/nodejs". Package stays usable and fixing it is easy: just to
> remove debian/install and require pkg-js-tools 0.8.6.
> pkg-js-tools is just a build dependency, it will not render unusable any
> package already in unstable, so I think we can push it to unstable
> (after a few days) and then rebuild the 100 packages.
> Then I propose to update npm2deb and lintian to add an error for any
> node package that install something in /usr/lib/nodejs: now we use
> /usr/share/nodejs and /usr/lib//nodejs.
> Any comment ?

I modified 42 packages in salsa repo to prepare transition and improved
pkg-js-tools for a better support of package.json#files field (0.8.8 not
yet published).

TODO: 49 packages.

bignumber.js node-abstract-leveldown node-active-x-obfuscator
node-address node-ansi node-anymatch node-archy node-async-stacktrace
node-base64id node-bl node-browser-stdout node-clarinet node-class-utils
node-clean-css node-cliui node-cloneable-readable node-coa
node-commander node-compression node-connect node-content-disposition
node-cookies node-cookie-signature node-cross-spawn-async node-cssstyle
node-css-what node-d3-selection node-deep-eql node-deep-extend
node-external-editor node-findit2 node-flagged-respawn node-form-data
node-formidable node-fresh node-fstream node-grunt-cli
node-grunt-contrib-concat node-hawk node-is-reference node-istanbul

node-js-yaml node-keese node-log4js node-lru-cache node-map-cache
node-media-typer node-merge-stream node-miller-rabin node-mixin-deep
node-mqtt-packet node-music-library-index node-mysql node-nodemailer
node-normalize-path node-parseurl node-path-to-regexp node-pend
node-p-is-promise node-plur node-regjsparser node-roadrunner
node-security node-serve-favicon node-serve-index node-serve-static
node-setimmediate node-split2 node-split-string node-static-extend
node-stealthy-require node-strip-json-comments node-stylus
node-superagent node-tinycolor node-tslib node-tweetnacl node-uri-js
node-uri-path node-vhost node-webpack-sources node-y18n node-yajsml
node-yallist node-yazl node-ytdl-core select2.js unorm.js zeparser.js

Pkg-javascript-devel mailing list

[Pkg-javascript-devel] pkg-js-tools transition

2019-07-30 Thread Xavier
Hi all,

I rebuilt the ~100 packages that uses pkg-js-tools using version 0.8.6
(experimental), the main problem for unstable transition is that it
causes a double install for package that didn't migrate to
"/usr/share/nodejs". Package stays usable and fixing it is easy: just to
remove debian/install and require pkg-js-tools 0.8.6.

pkg-js-tools is just a build dependency, it will not render unusable any
package already in unstable, so I think we can push it to unstable
(after a few days) and then rebuild the 100 packages.

Then I propose to update npm2deb and lintian to add an error for any
node package that install something in /usr/lib/nodejs: now we use
/usr/share/nodejs and /usr/lib//nodejs.

Any comment ?


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