Jérémy Lal <kapo...@melix.org> ha scritto:

> I suspect the problem isn't with libuv per se, rather with the tests
> themselves. 

Either that, or something more complex in the libc/kernel path.

> Can you identify a list of the tests that occasionally
> fail on kfreebsd ?

Some culprits in the past have been:
 * poll_duplex
 * poll_unidirectional
 * hrtime
 * fs_event_watch_file_current_dir
 * ipc_listen_before_write
 * threadpool_cancel_work

However it is difficult to see a pattern, as even between minor
debian revisions the results are different. 

> Some libuv/nodejs tests fail when the environment is slow/under high
> load...

I would expect to see timeouts in those cases (as opposed to hard
failures), but it could as well be the case.
Also some quirkiness in the host-side of the builders, which are still
running kernel 9.0.

In all these cases, it may make sense to avoid failing on test-suite
failure on !linux. Are you ok with that?

Cheers, Luca

  .''`.  |               ~<[ Luca BRUNO ~ (kaeso) ]>~
 : :'  : | Email: lucab (AT) debian.org ~ Debian Developer
 `. `'`  | GPG Key ID: 0x3BFB9FB3       ~ Free Software supporter
   `-    | HAM-radio callsign: IZ1WGT   ~ Networking sorcerer

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