David Suárez <david.sephi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
> on amd64.

> [%  72|+ 140|-   0|T   0|S   2]: spawn_closed_process_io
> > `spawn_closed_process_io` failed: exit code 6
> > Output from process `spawn_closed_process_io`:
> > Assertion failed in test/test-spawn.c on line 129: status == 0
> > =============================================================
> > make[1]: *** [test] Error 1
> About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances
> from Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date
> chroot. Every failed build was retried once to eliminate random
> failures.

I just tried again on a local amd64 pbuilder and didn't see any test
However, it looks like a similar test failure has been seen by
upstream jenkins:

I think this may be a race-style regression related to

Can you please check if 0.10.25-1 succeeds in the same environment
where 0.10.27-1 fails?

Thanks, Luca

  .''`.  |               ~<[ Luca BRUNO ~ (kaeso) ]>~
 : :'  : | Email: lucab (AT) debian.org ~ Debian Developer
 `. `'`  | GPG Key ID: 0x3BFB9FB3       ~ Free Software supporter
   `-    | HAM-radio callsign: IZ1WGT   ~ Networking sorcerer

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