Hi, I have prepared a team upload for node-commander to bring it to version 
2.11 (that one is required for node-yarnpkg):

In theory it needs updating node-should 8.4.0 to 11.2.1 and node-sinon from 
1.17.6 to 2.3.5, but these are only used for testing.
So I have relaxed the min version required for them, and all tests pass with 
the versions we have in the archive.

I tested the reverse dependencies and build dependencies with 
pkg-ruby-extras/build, and then I did some manual tests after installing 
node-commander 2.11.0 from the locally built deb.

First the good news.

For node-babel I built it then installed the resulting node-babel-cli and run 
the /usr/lib/nodejs/babel-cli/bin/babel.js command trying some (not all) of the 
options. It seems to work.
BTW it should be fine because in package/babel-cli/package.json v6.26.0:
it requires "commander": "^2.11.0" and not > 2.4.0 as we have in debian/control.

For node-ws I built it and installed the resulting node-ws package, then run 
the wscat command trying some (not all) of the options. Everything worked.

For node-clean-css I tested running "vow" (says "OK ยป 271 honored") and also 
building, installing the resulting node-clean-css + cleancss packages and 
running the cleancss command trying some (not all) of the options. Everything 
This package could get a good refresh, including DEP-8 tests and moving the 
repo from collab-maint to alioth (could file a bug ?)

For node-jade: as the current master is unreleased and does not build, I have 
tried debian/1.5.0+dfsg-1; all tests pass (mocha -R spec). I also built and 
installed the resulting node-jade package, and since it does not install the 
jade binary (could file a bug ?) I run it from source with bin/jade.js, trying 
some (not all) of the options. Everything worked.

The bad news:

For node-mocha: as the current master is unreleased and does not build, I have 
tried debian/1.20.1-6, but the build time tests fail (although not the same 
errors as #872613); as such I can not determine what to do with this one.

For node-express-generator: I tested by installing and trying to run the 
express binary, it fails with:
      program.confirm('destination is not empty, continue? ', function(ok){
TypeError: program.confirm is not a function
In fact the confirm command was removed from node-commander a while ago 
(https://github.com/tj/commander.js/issues/495) so this one needs updating  
(should file a bug ?)

As it stands this update is beyond trivial. What do you suggest ?


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