On 14 September 2014 14:50, W. Martin Borgert <deba...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> to solve
> #644767: ITP: tilemill -- map design studio
> and
> #761328: RFP: python-mpld3 -- a D3 viewer for matplotlib
> node-htmlparser2 needs to be packaged:
> #761433: RFP: node-htmlparser2 -- fast & forgiving HTML/XML/RSS parser
> node-htmlparser2 in turn depends on:
> #761437: RFP: node-domelementtype -- all the types of nodes in htmlparser2's 
> dom
> #761438: RFP: node-domhandler -- handler for htmlparser2 that turns pages 
> into a dom
> #761439: RFP: node-domutils -- utilities for working with htmlparser2's dom
> #743153: ITP: node-entities -- Encode and decode XML/HTML entities with ease 
> - module for Node.js
> #761442: RFP: node-readable-stream -- a user-land copy of the stream library 
> from Node.js v0.11.x
> Question 1:
> If I understand correctly, node-dom{elementtype,handler,utils}
> don't make sense outside of the scope of node-htmlparser2. All
> three are very small (0.5, 5, 12 KiB respectively) and may not
> worth separate packages. OTOH, I have no idea how a proper git
> packaging flow works with multiple upstream repositories. What
> is recommended in such a situation?

You can bundle them as patch.. see node-promises as example on how
bundle module (node-promises bundles node-asap).

If you do that (bundle modules), please take care to update this wiki page:

> Question 2:
> node-readable-stream seems to be a code copy of node code, but
> with some differences that are not clear to me. I would prefer
> to not package it, but node-htmlparser2 seems to depend on it.
> Nobody here likes code duplication. Package or not?

No, you don't .. see node-multiparty for a patch.


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