[Pkg-kde-extras] Hi

2015-07-19 Thread Edson Barbosa (via Google Forms)
Dear Friend. I got your details after an extensive on-line search Via (network power charitable trust) for a reliable person, I am Engineer. Edson da Silva Barbosa , an aged dying man who was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years ago, I have decided to donate ($10,500,000.00) to you for charitable go

[Pkg-kde-extras] Hi

2015-07-19 Thread Edson Barbosa (via Google Forms)
Dear Friend. I got your details after an extensive on-line search Via (network power charitable trust) for a reliable person, I am Engineer. Edson da Silva Barbosa , an aged dying man who was diagnosed for cancer about 2 years ago, I have decided to donate ($10,500,000.00) to you for charitable go