
this bug seems indeed being fixed upstream.
A very,very bad& ugly workaround for me is:

I grabbed the upstream libdc1394_22-2.1.4.tar.gz file , unpacked it,
did a ./configure  and then checkinstall -D.
This lead to a corresponding deb-package which contained all the libdc1394 stuff. Installing the package would mess up the system (because I do not know enough
about the Debian way of packaging to split up the whole package).
From this deb-file I extracted libdc1394.so.2.1.6 , renamed it to ...so.2.1.5 and
replaced the former /usr/lib/libdc1394.so.2.1.5 with the new one.
So I think, a later upgrade won't do any problems.
The above solution works for me and took only a few minutes.
As I have no Firewire devices, I cannot say if there a any issues with this workaround.

As I said: not a very nice way...


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