Succeeding in a Warehouse Environment

15th - 16th March 2012 :: Bangkok, Thailand

~Practical Tools and Techniques for Improved Warehouse Operations and 

On the surface warehouse operations looks easy, but in reality a poorly managed 
distribution center can ruin your company by losing customers, draining 
profits, or disrupting schedules in your downstream operations. Many companies 
today are looking for new ways to improve productivity and operations.

In this workshop, delegates will get to evaluate their own operation so that 
they may focus corrective efforts. All major variables effecting the operations 
resulting in a financial impact will be discussed including: productivity, 
layout and slotting, technology integration, ergonomics, errors, and 

World Class Trainer

?         Our course facilitator is the President of an distribution consulting 
firm and has over 35 years of experience in the warehouse industry.

?         His consulting firm prides on integrating state of the art technology 
with management best practices. Their experience from actually managing 
distribution centers assures that the solutions are practical and easily 

?         His consulting business includes training but is primarily a 
warehousing operations consulting business. They present real-world and 
practical solutions to operational issues. Their solutions are not just from a 
book delivered by someone who has never managed a facility. He personally 
managed warehouses for over 20 years before becoming a consultant.

?         He has been able to assist companies in many industries such as:

-          Oil and Gas; Pharmaceuticals; Equipment; Consumer Goods; Paper; Auto 
Parts; Food; Textiles; Apparels; Electronics; Hardware; Cold Storage

?         This workshop will be more focused on KPIs, monitoring and measuring 
results as well as benchmarking with best practices for improved warehouse 
operations & productivity compared to other workshops out there that touch 
mainly on basic and generic issues that you already know about.

?         Case studies & practical discussions: Delegates get to bring their 
own problems & situations to the training and they will solve it as a group.

Key Benefits

?         MONITOR your warehouse performance by determining what are the Key 
Performance Indicators (KPIs) of your warehouse and how they should be measured

?         BENEFIT from personal solutions during the workshop by comparing with 
others on their KPIs and analyze whether these KPI comparisons are valid

?         DISCOVER if technology integration is really what case effective for 
your warehouse

?         REDUCE fulfillment errors and understand what are the true costs 

?         UNDERSTAND how is your facility layout affecting your operational 
goals and what can be done to improve its processes

?         ENHANCE productivity and profits by learning the true benefits of 
ergonomics and GAIN practical solutions of applying an ergonomic program in 
your warehouse

?         IDENTIFY the good, bad and ugly of productivity and incentives

?         BENCHMARK against the long-standing industry best practices


Interested to have more information, kindly email me at with subject code 'SWE' and I shall send you PDF 
with complete details (trainer profile, agenda, workshop fee, registration form 
and etc...) of this program.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need further clarification.

Thank you.

Warmest Regards,
Marketing Department (Registration)
UNI Strategic Pte Ltd
20 Science Park Road, #01-26/30, TeleTech Park,
Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674
DID (65) 6825 9630 | Fax (65) 6776 2120

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events.  Our corporate workshops and conferences are attended by government 
organizations, multinational companies and well known regional corporations.  
Our public large scale events are catered to corporate and public audiences.  
We engage world leaders in all sectors like US President Bill Clinton to give 
speeches.  The purpose of engaging them is to allow them to share their 
insights and views on many macro views on global issues with the general and 
private and non-private corporations.

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