Hello and Good Day,

  I presumed that all is well with you and your family. This is a
personal email directed to you and I request that it should be treated
as such. I am Dr. Richard Howell and I represent a top company
executive here in Europe.  I have a very sensitive and private brief
to ask for your partnership to re-profile funds over  $17.5M US
dollars. I will give the details, but in summary, the funds is coming
via a Securities Finance House in Europe and this is a legitimate

If you can able to work to earn those fees, please write  back
immediately by email and provide me with your confidential Telephone
and fax number and I will provide further details. I guarantee that
this will be executed under a legitimate  arrangement that  will
protect you from any breach of law.

Write to me at this email address: rhow...@financier.com

Thanks for your understanding.

Dr.Richard Howell.

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