Hi, David:

On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 10:49 -0700, David Brown wrote:
> You might also want to pass this onto the pkg-lustre maintainers site.

Yes, of course. Though they may consider that I did I bad
copy/adaptation of what have already bee doing. 
I am using Debian (now using Ubuntu due to hardware issues) for more
than 12 years and doing packages since 6 years (I make a package of
every piece of software I have to distribute locally), so I thing I may
help if I am asked

> Also their svn repository for what patches they use for things
> svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-lustre

Yes, I suppressed nearly all of those patches, mainly because I did not
know if they were needed or may cause problems with lustre 1.8.0 
> It might be prudent to let them know what you plan on doing for debian
> support so you can not step on each others toes.

It is OK. I mainly want  to help, at the same time that I keep the
control of a very important piece of software for us, so I can package
myself if needed and not having to depend of others work, which I, of
course, appreciate very much. No intention of substituting others.


> Thanks,
> - David Brown
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Ramiro Alba Queipo <r...@cttc.upc.edu> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2009-06-01 at 09:21 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> >> Hello all,
> >>
> >> I have a patch for our current development tree that adds the
> >> required /debian directory in order to be able to package up a patchless
> >> client from a source checkout/tarball release of Lustre.
> >>
> >> Before it can get added to our source tree it needs inspecting from a
> >> couple of people knowledgeable in doing .deb packaging however.
> >>
> >> So I am hoping that a couple of the people responsible for the packaging
> >> of the existing .debs for Ubuntu/Debian wouldn't mind inspecting my
> >> patch.  Or anyone else who feels they are proficient enough in .deb
> >> packaging to offer approval or constructive criticism of my patches is
> >> welcome.  You will need an account in our bugzilla in order to transact
> >> the inspection and approval and/or criticism.
> >
> > I would be glad to contribute though I am not a Debian developer, but I
> > am very interested as I recently had to make Debian packages for
> > lustre-1.8.0 as no packages from Debian are available yet.
> > I started from existing Debian sources for lustre-1.6.7-2 and I adapted
> > then as my knowledge allowed me, and then I made a local Ubuntu
> > repository.
> > We have a 128 client cluster using Infiniband that intends to use Lustre
> > as the central storage with 2 OSSs and a DDN 9900 unit. Not in
> > production yet, so I can make tests freely and play with it.
> > It seems to work but I would be glad to share what I did I learn from
> > others work
> >
> > Regards
> >
> >>
> >> Anyone interested?
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> b.
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Lustre-discuss mailing list
> >> lustre-disc...@lists.lustre.org
> >> http://lists.lustre.org/mailman/listinfo/lustre-discuss
> > --
> > Ramiro Alba
> >
> > Centre Tecnològic de Tranferència de Calor
> > http://www.cttc.upc.edu
> >
> >
> > Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries
> > Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
> > Colom 11, E-08222, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
> > Tel: (+34) 93 739 86 46
> >
> >
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> > For all your IT requirements visit: http://www.transtec.co.uk
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Lustre-discuss mailing list
> > lustre-disc...@lists.lustre.org
> > http://lists.lustre.org/mailman/listinfo/lustre-discuss
> >
Ramiro Alba

Centre Tecnològic de Tranferència de Calor

Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeries
Industrial i Aeronàutica de Terrassa
Colom 11, E-08222, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (+34) 93 739 86 46

Aquest missatge ha estat analitzat per MailScanner
a la cerca de virus i d'altres continguts perillosos,
i es considera que està net.
For all your IT requirements visit: http://www.transtec.co.uk

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