Bernd, et. al.,
I've submitted the following patch upstream to GNU coreutils, but you
may want to consider adding it to Debian also, if it isn't already there.
It allows "stat -f" to report the "lustre" filesystem type instead of
"UNKNOWN (0x0bd00bd0)".

--- coreutils-6.12/src/stat.c.orig      2008-05-26 00:40:32.000000000 -0600
+++ coreutils-6.12/src/stat.c   2008-10-03 17:40:12.000000000 -0600
@@ -271,6 +271,8 @@ human_fstype (STRUCT_STATVFS const *stat
       return "jffs";
     case S_MAGIC_JFS: /* 0x3153464A */
       return "jfs";
+    case S_MAGIC_LUSTRE: /* 0x0BD00BD0 */
+      return "lustre";
     case S_MAGIC_MINIX: /* 0x137F */
       return "minix";
     case S_MAGIC_MINIX_30: /* 0x138F */

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger
Sr. Staff Engineer, Lustre Group
Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc.

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